The twitters, they are here

Jul 09, 2010 00:02

  • 12:55 @ _Kaguya I wonder how long till we see an incident with a loot drop now that they can know the persons name and can find them easy #
  • 13:45 I'm beginning to think RealID is a marketing plan, because it sure as hell is working I don't want to hear about it anymore #
  • 14:27 @ _Kaguya Even though I'm going to sound like an ass, In my opinion this needs to come to an end I don't think its worth the hell its causing #
  • 14:28 @ _Kaguya Though I don't know anything and I said its what I think, but if you can't give a damn opinion or speak your mind to friends #
  • 14:28 @ _Kaguya what's the point, and now I'm going to go back to being grumpy. #
  • 14:37 @ _Kaguya I wasn't trying to, because now I'm lost and confused now. #
  • 14:44 ...there is a posting for programming at a pinball--all right why not #
  • 14:54 hm...I wish I could go sleep and be done with this day, not want to see what else I'm going to screw up today #
  • 15:02 @ _Kaguya True enough, now if I only have something to do. Also sorry for being rude or however it should be put or whatnot. #
  • 15:04 @ _Kaguya I'm sure its preemptive for rolling mithria :P #
  • 17:37 At least my T fury shirt came today, that's cool #
  • 18:43 @ _Kaguya yahoo is still used by people? Damn I wonder if I'm even logged into mine #
  • 18:57 You know I'm wondering if I should watch the new Digimon today, it could go either way #
  • 19:27 @ _Kaguya That's pretty truth if Disney thinks its a bad idea. #
  • 19:55 I'm disappointed no one has posted the WoW loading screen with the tip "Never give another player your account information." to troll yet #
  • 20:00 @ _Kaguya Still it has to exist somewhere, and I want to find it #
  • 20:22 I want this dubbed over with WoW RealID #
  • 20:39 So with everybody's free time opening up, pen and paper RPG campaign anyone? #
  • 20:52 @ valcion I still think its a giant marketing scheme, make a big deal about it, then don't do it, get listening to people cred, proffit #
  • 20:55 @ valcion but just think about the buzz it would create if it went down like that "I hear blizzard listens to their community" have my money #
  • 21:05 @ valcion I think its more fanservice than zombies, but god they better keep the Shawn of the Dead cameo they did in the manga #
  • 21:07 @ _Kaguya T_T I don't think I'll be buying any Sun Chips for awhile until they have learned their lesson #
  • 21:11 @ _Kaguya Isn't the 'keys' just shakeing the machine until they fall out? #
  • 21:17 @ valcion But that's what makes it awesome! I dunno I like it, its simple and its what you would expect it to be. #
  • 21:45 @ keithwithteeth does that guy know the sub for the first episode of the new series showed up on the net #
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