Nov 09, 2003 20:49
More people to read this. I'm thinking of switching over to Xanga, at least for the things that aren't secret and personal. That, or I could just update my interests, which if I recall correctly were inputted in 8th grade. For someone whose used LiveJournal for so long, I sure haven't posted much, too. I always think "HOT DAMN, I need to talk bout this on mah LiveJournal!" but by the time I reach it I've either forgotten or decided not to. Blows.
Friday (2 nights ago), me and Claire and Andrew decided to go to Matrix Revolutions after school. I have posted volumes on message boards about why the second one sucks major ass, I'll bring that over here sometime, though it's more analytical than humorous so I dunno if I'll bother.
Anyway, movie theaters have turned into ass. Instead of grabbing our money and assuming that us three maturing looking teens were fit to enter, the man- who looked vaguely like some horribly overweight conservative that is escaping me (not Rush)- IDd us. So I got my dad to give permission, but now they aren't accepting that. Same at the other theater we tried. So instead we just hung out at Andrew's.
This ended up being surprisingly... errr... interesting. For the first while we hung out, looked at old photographs of his family in the USSR (his father looked witty and british, though now instead he's gruff, overweight, and bald) We went to the local Russian food market, where we perused their pickled watermelon, and bought a couple soup mixes, one with ingredients that even Andrew couldn't decipher. They were good though.
Afterwards, we hung around, Andrew fooled about on guitar, and somehow Andrew and Claire ended up basically snuggling in a sickly sweet fashion. Claire complained about lack of alcohol, but I told her to shut up and go fuck him. We then discussed how I was like a priest watching a couple consummate their marriage, and for the rest of the night every time fuck would've been used it was replaced with "consummate our marriage". Pretty slick euphemism, if you ask me.
The net result was that despite lack of alcohol, they attempted to make out. They failed though, as neither of them really knew how, or in the words of Andrew "how do you operate this?" Afterwards, they talked for a looong while as I tried to ignore them. Andrew them snuggled up to Claire's bosom, at which point he said "Come now" unintentionally 5 times in 10 minutes.
I did stuff today, and sort of yesterday too, but I don't feel like it can be contained in the same post as the above story, so you'll have to hear about it another time. Or never. Nothing shocking though, don't worry.
also, this is for cote- I WANT CVA BY PAINT IT BLACK
I think I might buy it off It's only $5. And the songs have awesome titles.