Today I feel like talking about the video games I'm playing nowadays...
Some days ago I received Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (LEFT) and I can say that I'm really very, very disappointed with the graphics. A remake of the great 1st Silent Hill mustn't be something like that. What's that all about running from the nightmare when Silent Hill another word is activated? They ruined it and I'm sorry to say that was a total waste of my money *headesk* However, the great remake Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (RIGHT) I'm enjoying it fully and after few chapters I will be finishing the game.
Another types of games I've never talked about are the Hidden Objects games from
Big Fish Games.
This is a screencap I made of one of the games where you need to solve puzzles and search for objects which are usually hidden are not easy to find. I love to play each game from time to time because I usually finish one in only few days! Hidden Objects are the best for the brain.
PS. Did Dears go all capital too just like GACKT did? I loved the new logo, but the rose with thorns worries me.