Jul 05, 2009 02:19
I went downtown today. I took the subway to Spadina and then the streetcar down to Dundas, and arrived at dragon city at around 6:00 pm. Of course, Ang has to take a shower, so our meeting is postponed to 6:30. Andrew phones me at like 5:53 to tell me about this. So, with nothing to do at Dragon City, I sit around and study calculus to wait for them. The funny thing is, I decided to wear the new red shirt that I bought from Esprit and a cap (which I NEVER wear), along with jeans. I took a look at myself in the mirror, and I was like, WHOA, I look so boyish. I'm using gender stereotypes here, but I really don't know how else to describe it. The funny thing is, I actually kind of liked how I looked.
So Andrew gets here. He says his friend Andy is also here, so he goes and looks for him. I follow him and Ang also arrives a few minutes later. So we're just standing there and hanging out. I don't know Andy very well (I've only spoken to him twice in my life), but he seems like a really nice guy. Anyway, Andrew was wearing a cap and a red shirt too and I'm like =O, look, we planned it so that we would look similar on the same day. Heh heh.
Alison is gonna be late, so instead, we walk to Xelua before her. I order 217 (curry chicken vermicelli thing), Ang orders 314, Andrew orders a large 101 (the usual). I forgot what Andy ordered; I think it was 111 or something. We get iced tea in a teapot and I'm like what the hell, I want hot tea. So I ask the waiter if I can get some hot tea, but he switches the WHOLE teapot. Andy keeps making fun of me about this and saying that he wants cold tea, how could I do that! We talk (I forget about what), and then Alison arrives. We talk some more. I forget about what. I remember talking about The Catcher in the Rye some time. Oh yeah, that was because I mentioned a stripper and Andy was like "For some reason that reminds me of The Catcher in the Rye" and Alison and I were like, "I don't remember a stripper" and then Andy was like "that girl who Holden phoned up and then he asked her if she could just talk to him? And then the boss made him pay 10 dollars instead of 5?" and I was like "OH that girl, and then he got beaten up, right?" I'd totally forgotten about that scene.
After we finish dinner, we walk outside and Alison goes shopping. I pretend to be a girl a few times here, LOL, e.g. when I said that I want a handbag. Andy didn't seem to mind though; he seemed like a pretty open person. I make some stupid joke about Ang and I having changed genders a long time ago. Anyway we walk southwards, passing by an art store. Don't remember what we talked about here; I know we mentioned the Pride Parade and Ang sleeping until 5 pm each day. We reach a statue and we have no idea what it is but Ang insists that we take a picture of it, so we do. We see the moon.
I'm rushing now because I'm tired, but anyway. We reach the benches that we sat on last time, and then we see music garden. We hang out there for a while, and then Andrew and Andy disappear somewhere. I go look for them and find them in the middle of the "Sarabande" garden (it curls in, like a circle). It's a little secluded spot that's very nice, a little hiding spot, almost like a glade. There Andy and Andrew are sitting on a rock and there is a bird on the ground =O. OMG, it was so adorable, and it was the first time I've been that close to a bird. I could almost see the feathers on its frontside. Andy was holding a long stick too for some reason. There was a pool on the rock in front of where they were sitting, and there were some daisies and berries in it; it looked beautiful. It reminded me of a peaceful pond in the middle of the night, in which you would be able to see the moon. Apart from the mosquitos (which swarmed us), it was a very nice place.
Andrew threw some cookies to the bird, LOL, but it didn't eat much of it (it did a little though). As anyone who knows me remotely well will know, I've never really felt like I fit much into my gender group, despite identifying as a guy. Usually when I'm around other boys I freeze up and act (I dunno if you call it that, it's not like I really control it) and act deliberately to differentiate myself from them, because I feel different. I always have this feeling that I have to make myself appear less masculine than them and more like someone who possesses both masculine and feminine traits. But today, I felt totally comfortable and myself; I didn't have to act. I just felt like a boy. I felt this strange sense of comaderie. It kind of felt like a bonding time. Just us 3 guys, trying to get the bird to jump up the stick. I felt like I could get along well with Andy, even though I'd only talked to him a few times. Maybe my cap helped me feel more like boyish too.
Anyway, Alison came and scared the bird and it flew away. LOL. Then after a little more of sitting around, we left. I stole Andrew's cap and was trying it on myself and to get it back, he started poking me in the stomach. Unfortunately, it worked, but I was giggling like crazy. Anyway, so we somehow all start poking each other (including Andy and Ang) and it was funny and we were laughing so badly. Then Andrew went through this obscure opening through a few bushes and I followed him and we somehow left music garden. We walk westward, la la la, we are on this path where there are many many bicycles. Whenever a bicycle passes by, Andy or Andrew would go "bike" and we would all stand aside. After a while they start saying silly things like "runner" or "walker" so I said "flower" and Andy's like "HUH?!" and Andrew's like "air" and Andy's like "atoms". Yeah, we're silly boys B).
I think this actually occured earlier, a little after we left music garden. The two Andies and I were walking in front and the girls were walking behind us. Out of nowhere, Andy starts leaning on my shoulder with his hands (he said it's because he's full, LOL). I'm like WHA. So I start leaning on Andrew in the same way. And then Andrew shakes my hand off and leans back the same way. So I kinda do it to Andy at the same time that he does it to mean which results in some convoluted hand arrangement. Anyway I eventually give up and just let both of them lean on me. Meanwhile the sky turns pink and orange, and the moon grows brighter and brighter.
Okay. Fast forward. We're at the Princess Gate or something. It's supposed to be for racing. We walk through and I talk to Ang. She says she's been feeling weird these few days, like she doesn't want to talk to anyone etc. I tell her she's just fine, it's probably just because it's the summer and nothing much is going on, so she doesn't have much to talk about. Plus, work tires her out. She says she feels sad that all her friends are leaving EngSci and I tell her that well, she didn't know me that well before second sem, did she? I assure her that she'll make more friends.
Fast forward. We find a spot on the grass to sit on. I find/go to the washroom at some Better Living Centre thingy. I pass by this girl selling glowing light sticks thingies. She's wearing bunny ears that flash. 8 dollars per pair. I come back. By this time, it's totally black. I sit next to Andrew, who is beside Andy. While I'm not expecting anything, he pokes this piece of grass inside my ear. I thought it was a fly, so I scream. How mean! Anyway, then Andy and I ambush Andrew and repeatedly tickle him with pieces of grass. He was like "what are you guys doing?" I also poke him on the stomach to get back at him for what he did to me at the music gardens. He keeps smiling irresistably. Not ticklish my ass! At one point, he even made this weird squealing sound and another point he got up because he couldn't handle it anymore. LOL. It was funny. After a while I lean back and I can see the stars. They're faint, but they're there. I do put my elbow on Andrew's back/shoulder, and it's warm. I don't know why, he's always so warm.
Fast foward. Fireworks start. They were beautiful. Some big white ones, some shimmery golden ones. The launch accompanied with plane-like noises. And the explosions: like the sky clapping. "Hey, this reminds me of my poem." (Me.) "You're too far to catch one." (him) I'm surprised he remembers that line. After that, I lose myself in the fireworks. red ones that linger in the air and float slowly to the ground. I say that they're like cherry blossoms. Andrew agrees. At one point there was an orange one too. Some upside down pink hearts and lopsided happy faces. Weird ones that go in all different directions. Weird purple ones that just stay in the background. Gigantic blue ones that go really high, then explode into meteorites that look like they're going to crash down onto the earth any second. One that streams from the sky like golden rain, like lines of light drifting down from heaven. The residue forms smoke clouds that resemble palm trees; it glows eerily green. Meanwhile, above us, a symphony of colour and a crackling collage of sound.
Even though they're artificial, they're beautiful, and I haven't felt so happy for a long time... and I'm glad I went. It's these moments in life that I live for - and I'm glad I had Andrew, Ang, and their friends to share it with.
We go to the bus station and get on the Duffy (i.e. Dufferin) bus. There are no spots so we squish in, 3 to a seat; I'm on the inside and Ang is beside Andrew and I. I put my cap onto Ang and we start singing Because of You by Kelly Clarkson. Ang sings in this squealy voice, which annoys Andrew. Heh heh heh. We all kinda sleep with our heads on each other's shoulders; we're all soooo tired. Andrew gets off at College. I'm like, "hug?" He's like, "well it's kinda hard because..." but he never finished his sentence, but he meant "because you're inside on the window seat" but anyway, he gives me a hug anyway, and then he gives Ang a hug and then he's off. Oh yeah, and before he leaves he slaps his palm onto the window. Very funny. Anyway, Ang and I get onto the bus station and we hug too. I'm like "take care, okay?" and give her a smile and say "I'll see you soon" which is true, I hope! And then I'm off on the subway back to Kennedy station. Along the way I hear on my sis's iPod shuffle "That's What Friends are For" (1982 song, I think it's by Dionne Warwick). How fitting, no? I also heard "I'll be There" (S Club), "Hot N Cold" (Katy Perry) and some other songs, I don't really remember now.
Yeah, this post is very detailed; I wanted to remember as much as I can about it as possible. Too bad I didn't do this for our last trip because I've already forgotten most of the details now.