Feb 23, 2007 13:03
I have been hanging out for the weekend for so long. Especially since this is going to be my first weekend off in so very very long. lol. And now I have my flat. (Sorry but that is going to keep popping up in conversation for many , many weeks to come. heh heh)
Anyway, I am at work at the moment though I don't start for several mintues. Just thought I do a quick update and shot the breeze as some may say.
I emailed my whanau the other day and said hi and all that. Thanking my parents profusely for the loan that they gave me. Parents are great...most of the time. lol.
Just working hard at the moment. Got plans to go to France in a couple of weeks possibly. Just going for a weekend with the new flatmates and co. Yay.
Oh and I have to get back down to Taunton to see my aunt and uncle. I keep meaning to do that but working retail makes it slightly difficult.
Been catching up on my sleep. (Which is always easier when you are in your own bed...in your own flat...)
Well I better get off to work.
Have a wicked day all!