A Parting of Ways....

May 29, 2006 20:11

Nothing lasts in this world....
Sooner or later the train makes its last stop...
the clothing store makes its last sale...
the library checks out its last book of the day...
and we head off into that good night.


This journal has been a source of pleasure for me, for I have been blessed to have a good number of friends on here, and it gave me a sounding board to explore my ideas and learn of the ideas of others as well as communicate with others of like mind. Unfortunately now, this connection with others of like mind has proved to be quite hazardous to my mental, physical, and spiritual health and so...it is time for us to part....

I have made the decision to cease my exploration and application of pagan ideas, thoughts, and practices as well as indulgence in the depraved and ultimately destructive practices of the homosexual lifestyle. Over the past few months, I have struggled with these desires and this decision, which at first glance to a pagan or homosexual boxes me in a cage that forces me to deny myself the rights and freedoms that all men and women should enjoy. Instead of the things which I have enjoyed in the past, I now begin my life anew as a Seventh Day Adventist Christian. Yes, it sounds crazy to leave a movement which apparently offers so much freedom and equality for people of all religions and sexual orientations to become apart of a movement which believes itself not only the sole way to attain a connection to God, but one which unequivocally condemns the practice of Witchcraft and homosexuality (Notice that I said the practice of these things, not the people who practice them...).

If anyone here wishes to learn about the beliefs and practices of the SDA (Seventh Day Adventist) church, you can use this URL to access the beliefs of this organization on the official website of the church: http://www.adventist.org/beliefs/index.html .

Even if you don't think that there is any value in checking out this site, please do so. It will at the very least grant you the opportunity to look at the beliefs of another Christian organization, one which (if I might say so) provides a unique look at the Bible and the events of the world that isn't offered by the majority of the Christian world. I can promise you that you will not regret looking at this site. If you don't agree with it? At least you've seen something that you don't see everyday. Please look at it. It can change your life for the better.

As I've stated before, it has been a pleasure to be on LiveJournal and be apart of this group. It's my prayer that you all have a great life and make the right choices while there is still time. Be safe, in God.

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