After the IUD

Jul 05, 2012 19:13

So I just got back from getting my IUD. It was an experience.

First thing the doctor did after asking the standard questions, Ever been pregnant, medical history etc. She then told me that she has to measure my cervix. If your cervix isn't a certain size or shape, there is no way that the doctor can insert it then. You would have to get a pill to soften the cervix and then come back. Thankfully my cervix was the correct size.  It pinched quite a bit when she inserted the clamp thing (not quite sure of the correct name for it.) and it felt like I had gas. It was about 30 minutes of pinching and cramps and then it was over. The doctor showed me what the strings are like, which basically feel like fishing line, and I have an appointment in 6 weeks for a follow-up. You will probably feel a little dizzy afterwards and it is probably a good idea to take something before the procedure. I took an 800 mg ibuprofen before the procedure and the afterwords got and Ice cream cone and felt fine. A little crampy now that I'm home but nothing to serious.

If anyone has an questions let me know.

personal, iud

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