Busy Busy Girl

Feb 24, 2012 13:47

Things What I Have Done:
  • Moved all customer information into Excel so I can keep up with who I need to contact and when.
  • Filed for Tax licence (Thank you phoenixsansfyr for the help)
  • Which means picked Name
  • Set up Wordpress for future site (Thank you phoenixsansfyr again!)
  • Got completely caught up on business emails.
  • Created Expense tracker (A third thank you to phoenixsansfyr!)
  • Organized all projects in date order and figured out which ones I can work on where (some projects are travel possible while others require more space / concentration)
  • Semi planed Dad's birthday food celebration thingy (His birthday was Tuesday, still working on when we'll get together)
  • Went to Kid's Meet the Teacher thing yesterday, discussed problems Miss Kid is having.
  • Set up business email
  • Designed possible business cards

All in the last couple of days ... no wonder I'm tired. And I'm terribly surprised Fi isn't sick of me yet. I bet she makes that "Oh gods what now" look when her phone lights up with a message from me.

Speaking with Miss Kid's teachers was .... pretty much as I expected it to be. She's a great student, very smart, considerate of others, perhaps a little too eager to read in class (when should be working) but over all nothing but good stuffs. Until we get to science.Kid is constantly turning stuff in late, incomplete, or both. She doesn't keep her homework for the full six weeks so to study for tests (state and end of term). She made the comment that she didn't need to keep it because she already knew everything; teacher make a very interesting face at that comment. She constantly reads in class, to the point of picking up her book and reading while we were talking to the teacher about her reading too much in class (Kid was actually a part of the discussion so yes, is problem as the teacher had just asked her if she could make a larger effort to start turning things in on time, complete). Miss Kid has also lost her science binder where all her notes are supposed to be kept, which is a large part of her grade. Also, the notes she was supposed to have been keeping? She's been making them on random scrap paper which she can no longer find. *sigh* Like father like daughter.

I've tried to help Kid with organizing. I can organize like Whoa! but if it doesn't make sense to her or she won't put forth the effort to keep it up and make it a habit .... I can't change that. We only have her once a week and every other weekend. She's complained before that her mother wouldn't help her but her mother is the one that sees her the most. (Granted, Kid also tells lots of people that her mother never has time for her ... no clue how true that is) Currently Kid just really doesn't see a need to care about turning her stuff in on time or complete in science, despite enjoying science stuff. She has no interest in trying to figure out a system that works for her, she claims that the current system is just fine, despite the poor grades.

And on another note ... Thank you to 'ALL' of my friends who helped with the naming quandary. theafaye suggested Knit Knacks in the comments and everybody that saw it fell in love with it. Knit Knacks itself was taken by a company in Michigan so I went with Shadow's Knit Knacks. It's cute, clever, and leaves room to do other creative crafty things, like dreamcatchers, crochet, or sewing.

Meanwhile: Anybody want to make this and send it to me? Perhaps several of them? Though I know 6 is my limit ... more than that and well, let's just say that the floor sways at that point.

Also: I have no clue what to write about for Idol this week. The topic is Reinventing the Wheel. Perhaps it's time for some fiction. Any requests?

business, parenting, miss kid

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