Jul 29, 2011 12:38
I'm not actually working for or volunteering for Liveournal. I'm just tired of seeing people lose their shit for some perceived slight against their personal being and screaming about how they're out money, time, whatever. When it boils down to less than $1 of money, it's not that big of a deal. By the way? This 'is' coming from somebody who is constantly broke, so I do know the value of $1.
Math bits: (Yeah, from the number phobic) One time payment of $25 for 1 year subscription = $0.07 per day (rounded up) * 5 days = $0.35
What I posted in April about the attacks still stands:
I don't foresee me leaving LJ. I've been here since Oct 2002.
I do have my journal backed up elsewhere, as in not online but on my computer.
I do have an account at DW, ShadowWolf13.
The DDoS attacks are not LJ's fault so I see no reason to blame them. To my understanding, they're doing everything they can to fix things and keep things running for us. Yes, I do bother to go find information and read up on things when it affects me. Strange I know.
I am tentatively thinking about resuming posting on DW, for my DW friends to keep up with me better. I'm not looking to add a bunch of people since I read both and that would be a lot of double reading / scrolling. If you wish to find me over there feel free. I don't actually grant access to anybody since everything is public. If I have you on LJ and you're staying on LJ for the foreseeable future, I'll read you over here. If you're actually leaving LJ I'll probably subscribe to you there.
Think about this though. If the goal of the DDoS attacks is to shut down LJ because it's being used to fight political issues ... isn't that a form of terrorism? Aren't you, by running away to a new place, allowing them to win? Why do that? Why not stand your ground and refuse to be shoved out the door because something about your life makes somebody uncomfortable. Stand up and make a difference. Stay here and refuse to be silenced.
Current Me again: Why is your freedom of speech any more important than anybody else?
lj wonkiness