It's alive! It's alive!
Yeah, that could kind of be applied to me at the moment. Noon and I'm just now crawling out of bed. Wow ...
Let's see if I can turn this huge weekend into a shorter post.
- Miss Kid's awards ceremony. She had been failing Social Studies but managed to bring the grade up so that she made Distinguished Honor Roll (Straight A's). She didn't know we were going to be there so was happily surprised.
- Stopped for lunch and then hit George R Brown convention center to plan our weekend
- Checked out Artist's Alley and Dealer's Room to make a wishlist of purchases.
- Said hi to various friends, fangirled over Devil's Panties' creator Jennie Breeden.
- Writing panel, Hypnotism panel
- Amused many by walking and knitting
- Hit up AA and DR again to actually buy pretty things.
- Met up with gamers to run Living Forgotten Realms - Lost on the Golden Way
- More shopping and wondering around, lunch of sandwiches.
- Stumbled across the table for PWA Wrestlers and got many autographs, found out they're local, and fangirled all over them.
- Sexy picture of Mr. Boyfriend sent to my phone!
- Got to sit in on a round table discussion with one of the 3.0 creators
- Gaming Z-Day Survivor didn't make, joined a table for ShadowRun Forces of Darkness instead.
- Was nearly in tears as it seemed I'd fubar'ed on the shawl for sorchawench , I blame the fact that it was nearly 1am, put it away for tomorrow.
- Starbucks was a must, coconut mocha frappachino, you are my Savior
- Gaming Dark Nova fantastic game! Also figured out where I messed up on the shawl and went zooming along in the pattern.
- Lunch of po'boy sandwich after more AA and DR
- Husband found artist for Grimm's Fairy Tales *Squee!*
- Tons of free stuff from Munchkin including a blank level up card which is now adorned with artwork from Devil's Panties!
- Gaming Steampunk Tabletop RPG turned out to be sales pitch, not game as their last game had been at noon, despite scheduling.
- Dinner of po'boy sandwiches and salad.
- Gaming Pathfinders The Dalcine Affair - Very fun game!
- Lunch at New Wok Bo, not bad ... but too many other places to try out to live with Okay food.
- Half Price Books for 20% off sale
- Nancy's Knits for yarn, got mine, unable to locate friend's
- Grocery store
- Home to rest as my wall was rapidly approaching
- Back out to run Lynn's car through drive through and pick up chicken we'd forgotten to purchase
It was a fantastic weekend. I've been to 6 cons before this and apparently 7 really is the magic number here. This is the first con that things didn't blow up in my face or I end up miserable. I had tons of fun, picked up lots of new things, tried new games, made friends, and was hailed by various artists as they'd remembered me from other cons, favorably no less! The fighting group from OniCon was there as well and remembered us and called us over to talk to for a bit too.
This is how con should always be.
I hope your weekend was as delightful and fun packed as mine was.