Random Thoughts

May 19, 2010 15:30

I worked a bit on the shawl yesterday but kept having to rip it out so by the end of the day I hadn't actually made any progress. Hopefully today will go better once I start working on it.

Today's tarot card was Death, so more change. I'm all for it at this point. I'm tired of feeling like I'm in a rut. As I said elsewhere I spent the last two years working on the wedding and then packing and moving that now I don't know what to do with myself. I have interests in things but ... no drive, no reason to get out of bed.

Speaking of the move, we're still unpacking things but it's mostly a Lynn thing at this point as it's his gaming stuff and it's not all getting unpacked but specific books that he wants access to. We're stalled on the boxes of non-gaming books as we've run out of shelves for them. I think the fact that we simply 'have' boxes sitting around is getting to me though as I'm far more interested in simply torching it all.

Today is lackland's birthday. I caught him on IM earlier and wished him a happy day and we chatted for a bit. It didn't even occur to me that today would have been 9 years for us until after he'd logged off. I don't regret the divorce and I know we're both a lot better off as friends rather than married to each other. I am glad to see that all the pain we both went through during the marriage showed us how to have stronger relationships. I'm very happy with my life now and it sounds like he is too.

Awesome news? I have roadtrip to look forward to and loving arms to snuggle into at each end of it.

moving, daily tarot, lackland, life, knitting, tarot

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