Weekend Wrapup

Nov 09, 2009 10:32

Hi there to jack_batelin! If anybody is interested in noir detective stories I'd suggest you check his lj out because that's what's going on over there for the therealljidol.

Speaking of LJ Idol, voting is up and Lynn and I could both use your help. This week it's open only for friends of the community, but joining is simple and doesn't mean you 'have' to participate ... though you might really enjoy doing so. Please vote for apisanthrop here and for me here. As always, you may vote for as many people as you wish to but please restrain yourself to only voting with one LJ account as stuffing the ballot box is never fair.

This was a Miss Kid centered gaming weekend. She got to be in charge for most of the weekend and picked pretty much every activity we did. So we played various games including a couple of rounds of Munchkin, Tomb Raider card game, some Star Wars on the Wii, and, as those following my facebook or twitter saw, D&D. I helped her with at least two games of Munchkin so she can learn to be a bit more cutthroat in game and not lose every time. She's getting a lot better at the games and realizing that fighting in the game doesn't mean that you're fighting for real, thus, it's okay to bury that Dagger of Treachery in my or dad's back.

How was your weekend?

lj idol, apis / lynn, weekend wrapup, voting, welcome, gaming, miss kid

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