lacombe, the phrase is just for you :P~)
I've been completely worthless today. I'm sure my boyfriend will absolutely love to read that. :D
Physical therapy this morning went well. The Dr. stopped me for a bit to talk to me. He got my MRI back, said that everything was normal. I guess I had a bit of a worried look because he rushed to reassure me that was a good thing because it means no surgery but because of the pain I've been in I'll still continue with PT and that should take care of everything. He said that considering the severity of the accident (he saw the pictures) I was very lucky that things turned out the way they did.
Speaking of the MRI, it was ... very scary. I hadn't realized I was going to be strapped down to the table. I did know I'd have to lay very still for it (I used to watch a lot of House) but had no clue the guy was going to lock my head into place. I can deal with somebody I love and trust tyeing me down or whatnot .... but this? No. Given my past, hell no. So layer that fear and panic over my other issues and I was not a happy Shadow. I felt jittery. That whole breathe thing? Not happening. I had to close my eyes once I was in the machine and count and remind myself to breathe. .... But at least there was a happy result.
I should be working on jobs and writing things that I want to submit to various places for publication. I'm not. Obviously. I've managed to do a load of dishes while I snagged food for lunch when I got home. I did put the wet clothes in the dryer after the repairman returned our dryer to us. We have a working dryer! I don't have to hang laundry everywhere to get it dry any longer. *grin* I've escaped to the living room with Brigid to get away from the gaming computer because that's about all I've done since I got home. Now I shall write up a list of posts that I want to make and things I want to work on writing wise. I've been very lax in writing since the accident and it shaking up my brain meats then the moves and all the stress around them. Life is settling down though, falling into a wonderfully comfortable pattern with
apisanthrop. I just need to plan my writing times into my days a bit better.