Loving is as essential to Terri Stambaugh as constant swimming is essential to the shark. This is an infelicitous analogy, but an accurate one. If a shark stops moving, it drowns; for survival, it requires uninterrupted movement. Terri must love or die.
Her friends know she would sacrifice herself for them, so deeply does she commit. She loves not just a burnished memory of her husband but loves who he truly was, the rough edges and the smooth. Likewise, she loves the potentiality and the reality of each friend.
Forever Odd by Dean Koontz
This sums me up so perfectly. I have to love, have to give my love to another. I do not love who I love in spite of their shortcomings, but because of them. I love the whole person, not just parts of them. To do any less, in my mind, is deceitful. A person is a person, with good and bad.