Day Battle Weekend

Aug 11, 2015 11:04

Friday I did a little clean up on a couple of the weapon covers while Jon sorted through event gear and consolidated it into about half the space. That makes packing the tiny car quite a bit easier, more so since half the remaining gear is in a soft sided bag. Much easier to smoosh it into a nook that way.

Saturday we got moving and packed the car to head out to Brenham. It was our turn to host the day battle and … we didn’t get the numbers were hoping for. Lots of factors involved, some of which are just people being jerks but it was still fun.

There was one moment that I’m struggling with though. On the sidelines one of the guys kept randomly hitting me or my shield while waiting for lay on. This is normal but at the moment I was trying to focus on the next battle and my own strategy. Plus on Wed Jon had been doing a similar thing some twist of my shield had created a knot under my shoulder blade and I wanted to avoid that while at an event. His response was a look of disgust and “God, you’re so frail!”

I already feel like the weakest person on the field, both in strength and in skill. Jon says I’m great; while I know he won’t lie to me, I also know he loves me. On the one hand, I was hurt, because it was somebody saying what I hear in my head all the time. On the other hand … I have a fractured ankle that didn’t heal correctly (constantly being told it was a sprain and we couldn’t afford a dr visit), messed up knees (from not having knee pads for too long), bursitis in both hips, 2 bulging discs in my lower back (L1 & L2 thanks to D’s punches and kicks), a screwed up collar bone (car accident in 2008), and chronic pain (more reminders of D). I probably should not be on the field. But I mostly have fun and it’s something that gets me out of the house and moving at least twice a week.

I know this person’s comment shouldn’t bother me. But it’s not as easy to shut it off.

Sunday was an incredibly lazy day. We caught a couple movies (Yay matinee showing of Ant Man, followed by Dragon Ball Z) and did a little grocery shopping. Other than that the day was pretty relaxed.

movie, weekend report, dagorhir

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