Jun 28, 2012 12:08

Some thoughts on the new format of WWE NXT
  • JR's back on commentary!! *squee*
  • Two new guys in the ring, Jiro and Seth Rollins, Rollins looks like somebody to really watch
  • Jinder Mahal vs another new face, Jason Jordan, a slower match but not uninteresting
  • Nice spot for Leo Kruger who's up next against Aiden English, both new. Solid match
  • Spot for Richie Steamboat
  • The Uso's are out against The Ascension, great teamwork for both teams.
  • Richie Steamboat out against Rick Victor, both new. Another good match
  • Antonio Cesaro vs Dante Dash, new, a quick match.
  • Main Event: Derrick Bateman vs Johnny Curtis

There were a lot of solid matches. One of my biggest complaints about NXT in recent weeks has been how over the top soap opera-ish it had gotten. I like the stories behind feuds and I like seeing the backstage bits. I did get very tired of seeing the same story presented over and over every week.

The new one was presented as a bit more of an intimate arena, recalling memories of when WWE Raw First aired and the atmosphere of many of the indie wrestling shows.

It's odd to see a wrestling audience just sitting, though they did stand now and again. All in all it was a good show, a lot of new faces, and a nice showing of talent. I'm actually looking forward to next week.


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