Apr 20, 2008 21:40
So yesterday was our last party in our old house. It was to celebrate my husband and I's birthday. We wanted a fun, drama free night. I am not sure if that is even possible... Everything was going so well... until hubby left Shasta out front and some guy comes pounding on the door saying Shasta attacked his dogs. Shasta... my Shasta!!! Anyone who knows her would know that she doesn't have a vicious bone in her body!! So I go check it out and the first dog comes out happy and fine... the second dog comes out snarling and hackles raised... but fine... To make matters worse our friend was so wasted that he tried to fight this guy! When we finally settled everyone down, he started to verbally attack me! Telling my I was a bad person for treating my in-laws like $h!t!! That I talk down to them... I am so frustrated as I do not treat them bad AT ALL!! Why would he pop out with something like that? And at a social gathering I threw and invited him too!! I am so frustrated with him. Why must every gathering end in drama? Am I just not meant to have people over? Or just him? I have friends that I would have loved to have there as well, but knew that he can not always be trusted to play nice. I feel like I have to protect some of my friends and family from him. He is my husband's best friend of about a decade!! I consider him a friend of mine as well, but I sometimes I have a hard time understanding his train of thought!! He can be so narrow minded, and arrogant! What can I do to have it as a win-win situation? How can I make everyone happy, and not have to leave someone out? Is this even a possibility? I doubt it. I miss my P-con friends, but do not know how well they will interact with an insecure, aggressively "protective", stubborn guy? I love my friends from Berkeley and would enjoy spending time with them, I don't want to crush him by not inviting him, but I also do not want to spend the whole event stressing about when he is going to have one too many to drink, and become the ass he is known for!! So my birthday was spent stressed over drama, and then unpacking... repacking and moving... So lame... I can not wait till this move is over. I will need a vacation!! Need a few days from my reality!!