Yeah, my youth hostel room in London was Room 6, I was in bed 6 and there were 6 of us staying there. Hmmmm...
London was very cool. I walked pretty much everywhere coz most places aren't that far apart. Overdid the walking just a little bit so on Sunday afternoon around 3pm, I had to go back to my hostel and just lie in bed. I was going to get up at around 7pm to go do something else but when I tried to get up, I realised just how sore my body was.
I got to see many, many sights but at the same time I still have a long list of places I want to go and things I want to see. I also met up with Rebecca from school and her finace on Valentines day in Covent Garden. She's the French language assistant.
Valentines sucked this year. What you really don't need to see when you're desperately missing your significant other, is hundreds of couples, all enjoying valentines day. I was starting to get slightly pissed off when I they were on the tubes as well. I really didn't need to see them happy and kissing and, most importantly, able to actually hold each other. This sparked off a huge crying episode that ended with me locking myself in the toilet cubicle and talking to karl for an hour or so on the phone. Felt a lot better after that but even on Sunday, the sight of couples would annoy me just that little bit. I tried to feel happy for them that they got to see each other but it didn't work. I'm evidently not a nice enough person.
I was happy to get back to the school on Monday. By Tuesday I was not so happy anymore (huge understatement for anyone who knows what happened on Tues). I'm not quite ready to discuss what happened on Tues with those who don't know. Just know that I spent most of Tuesday evening and Wednesday in tears.
Wednesday saw a few things happen that improved my mood considerably. Thursday was even better and I was actually smiling for longer than a few minutes at a time. I have to thank all my friends who either directly helped me through the bad period or even just offered a hug or a kind email if they didn't know what was wrong. I especially have to thank
skylarkza for the many hours of skype chat where she let me cry to her and also managed to get me giggling many times. She was there for me and was never too busy to let me talk. So, a special thank you to her.
From there it's been a steady climb back to normal moods. Went to the gym on Thursday and managed to row 1000m in a little over 5 mins which for me is pretty damn good. Unfortunately gym on Thurs meant a reoccurance of sore feet on Friday so I've just been resting this weekend. It will be back to gym and running starting Monday.
I have a good couple of things to look forward to in the next few months: I'm off to Holland to stay with my cousins at the end of March for almost 3 weeks. My parents are coming to visit me in May which will be awesome. I'm hoping to buy a laptop. I'm trying desperately not to purchase hundreds of pounds of roleplaying books. I'm working my way towards paying for my Contiki trip but I have paid my deposit so I have a place. Yeah, after my parents visit in May, there's a month and a little bit before Warren arrives and then it's off on Contiki and back to South Africa. I absolutely can't wait! I really miss my family and friends an enormous amount. Coz you guys are all awesome :D
Oh, and happy Thinking Day to those who were once/are still involved with Guiding or Scouting. Happy birthday(s) to Lord and Lady Baden Powell too!