Oh, wait, I'm not Catholic. Never mind.
I haven't been especially happy with SPN last season, and it's not like I've had much time to write either, lately, but... Somehow I seem to have signed up for SPN pairing bingo. Whoops?
Crowley/ Jody Mills Meg/ Ellen Harvelle Sam/ Ruby Dean/ Crowley Castiel/ Bobby Sam/ Michael Kevin/ Krissy Chambers Dean/ Lisa Castiel/ Anna Charlie Bradbury/ Crossover Character Lisa/ Meg Sam/ JoWILD CARD Bobby/ CrowleyDean/ Castiel Dean/ Crack Character Abaddon/ Castiel Dean/ Lucifer Bobby/ John Dean/ Tessa Linda Tran/ Jody Mills Sam/ Benny Ruby/ Jo Castiel/ BalthazarDean/ Gordon Walker
I have one or two ideas, but I'm not really sure what to do with most of these yet. Any suggestions or prompts? :)