I have other fandoms? You don't say!

Nov 29, 2011 19:14

The latest Outlander is out! \o/ Cue SV heading to the bookstore on her lunch break. -- Only to be sorely disappointed. *pouts* Let's hope they'll have it tomorrow. Because John and Jamie road-tripping to Ireland while the sexual tension reaches critical mass (yet again)? Count me in! This is the book where, chronologically, enemies-turned-friends-turned-enemies-turned-friends-turned-enemies has to turn to friends again, right? Do want! *grabby hands*

In other news, life (the part that isn't wanton fannish escapism) still sucks massively and I'm pondering depression therapy. "Pondering", as in, I've actually made a preliminary appointment with my university's psychology department for Thursday. But I'm seriously thinking about cancelling it, because, well, it's therapy. That's for people who are... not me. *flails* I made it through my teenage depression years without killing myself, didn't I? And it's not nearly as bad now.

fandom talk, outlander, life

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