Strenuous long weekend so far! On Friday, I finally went to Cologne to visit my grandma in hospital where she's been since April with pneumonia and a septic shock from said pneumonia. She's fairly well now, after the artificial coma has worn off, but terrifyingly thin and weak. And of course she had been transferred to another hopital at short notice ten minutes before I arrived, leaving me to an odyssey through half the city in the unbearable heat we have here at the moment. There's also a very funny (in the bad way) questionnaire old people get in the hospital nowadays, to test them for geriatric depression, which asks all kinds of questions that seem designed to make you miserable, salt-into-wounds style. ("Do your old friends die?" "Do you miss old hobbies?" "Do you feel incapable of doing things you like?" "Are you afraid of dying?") Luckily, grandma is a tough old lady with all her sarcasm still intact. Grandma: *reads* "Do you feel alive and full of energy?" *eyebrow* "Well, obviously, which is absolutely why I'm here. I'm bursting with energy. I'd jump for joy if I could walk more than two steps at a time..."
Saturday was a welcome silly respite from the emotional upset (I don't deal with illnesses and hospitals well), goofing off with the RPG group (well, two thirds of them, seeing as there was sudden-cancellation-mania for some reason -- and we only meet every few months, anyway *sigh*) and causing more random destruction in fantasy land...
Today, JB did the first part of her moving, which, yeah, hell in this climate, but we had fun regardless.
I'm also in a weird (for me) creative mood. Last weekend, a friend asked me to draw something for another friend's birthday (we did a six-people art collaboration thing, in addition to the regular gift, because she likes that sort of thing), which was the first time I drew anything in at least a year (well, apart from doodles on notebook margins), and since then I've drawn (anatomincally questionable) Cass/Steph porn and, yesterday, Rachel, Ivy and Jenks from The Hollows, which I'm fairly proud of. (I'd show it to you, but I don't have an image hosting programme/server/whatever.) Also, Bruce/Tim porn, which made me all O_o at myself, because, boy, don't you ever look eighteen there, Timmy! Or, in fact, sixteen. (I blame Te. I'm under the impression it's the common thing to do in these situations.)
First Law is still brilliant fun (I'm mostly through the second book now)
and while the plot is generic quest stuff, and the worldbuilding isn't all that novel, either, the characters are all awesome! Glokta reminds me of Raistlin more than a little, Logen is desperately endearing when he isn't killing people in berserker rage, Ferro is ten kinds of tough-as-nails awesome, and Jezal reminds me of Theon Greyjoy, mostly in that I cheer whenever he gets his ass handed to him by the universe at large. I'm also growing progressively fond of West. I'd probably recommend the books even more heartily if the author didn't have a bit of an unhealthy fixation on cannibalism.