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Jul 06, 2008 19:19

So last night I finished watching Journey’s End and was full of squee and ready to make a 100 icons. I logged onto LJ and felt like I had been doused with a bucket of ice water. I couldn’t believe all the negativity and fail. So although I never write my own reaction post, I figured I would this time since my opinion seems to be so different from everyone elses.

We knew CT was leaving after one season people! And is there really anyone out there that was so unspoiled that they hadn’t heard about the mind-wipe? Sigh. Why can’t people focus on how awesome Donna was in this episode?

My main concern was that if Donna really did turn out to be a fob ring-watched Time Lady (Romana?) then she would lose being awesome because she is Donna. But that didn’t happen! She is awesome and succeeds where both Doctors fail because of the “Donna” aspect of DoctorDonna. That was perfect! I loved, loved, loved the dizzy daleks! (and so did all the companions). And they built in a loop-hole in case CT can return for a few episodes. The ring “seemed” to be a red herring. But it flashed in the end as the Doctor was leaving, signaling that there is an element at play that the Doctor doesn’t know/hasn’t considered. The door is open for her to remember!

Davros. He has always bored me to tears, and he did this time too, BUT I love that he pointed out to the Doctor how full of fail he is for refusing to use a weapon himself (although note that the daleks refer to the TARDIS as a weapon), but he gets away with this by turning his companions into warriors to do his dirty work. The Doctor likes to run and tuck his head in the sand and ignore this and Davros made him face it (temporarily - more on this below).

Rose. I really wanted to see some character growth here. And we did. Just not entirely what I expected to see. She’s a warrior too. I really don’t think that her and the original Ten would get along all that well now - and I think he realizes that too. She shows up with a great honking gun and seems to act more mature than she was when she left. And she realizes that there are times when that gun needs to be used. She admired Martha (thank god!) for being willing to hold the Earth like a pawn over the daleks’ errrr head. Like Jack, she seems to “enjoy” the fight in a weird way. But she spent the last several years using all the alt-Torchwood resources trying to get back to the Doctor and that is absolute fail! He told her to be magnificent and have a brilliant life and instead she spent all her time trying to get back instead of getting on with her life. I really wanted more for her. I wanted to see a strong Rose come back who was her own woman and had made a life for herself that didn’t require a certain man to make her complete. We didn’t get that.

Back to the way the Doctor likes to run from his failures. He is furious with his doppleganger that committed genocide against the daleks like he himself did in the Time War. So that he doesn’t have to deal with it, he takes doctor v10.1 and dumps him in a parallel universe with the companion who also committed genocide against the daleks in his name! Nice wrap up for him - all his skeletons neatly in one closet together.

Speaking of the new doctor, what I don't understand is this: if Donna, being human, can't live with a Time Lord's memories, then why can the new doctor? He is also human and has a Time Lord's memories. So either there is a way Donna CAN live with the memories, or the new guy is gonna snuff it soon.

Loved, LOVED, LOVED these things:
The return of the Torchwood and Sarah Jane companions to help get the Earth home

The music as the Earth is being towed


The Gwen/Gwynneth shout-out

Francine: cool and collected under the table and twirling in the sunlight - I love that woman!

The Doctor putting Sylvia in her place

Wilf. Just, everything! Wilf. I wish he’d gotten a trip in the TARDIS. I’m really gonna miss him.
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