Happy New Year's Eve

Dec 31, 2006 18:05

It's been much too long since I posted anything. It isn't that I've been distracted with RP this time it's simply that I've been distracted away from the computer altogether. We did go through several weeks of the phone lines acting up very badly, which ultimately resulted in the phone people having to come round and muck about with the box up on the pole. In the wake of that business being fixed, I've been unmotivated to update, and let other people have a go at the keyboard.
I do hope that everyone had a good holidays, and will have a wonderful New Year. We'll be off to Bridgie's parents for a bit, but not through until midnight. Rey has work tomorrow early, and I don't really care to be around people that are regular drinkers for an occasion such as this.

Bridgelove and I went to the gardens today with my sister. We try to get her and my little brother over around this time of year. It's like pulling teeth, and I'm tense the whole time she's here, glad when she's gone and feeling guilty for that.
No, we don't get along. I'd desperately like to. She says she's not keeping my little brother from me, but she never wants me to visit. I know it's not intentional on her part, there's just too much... between us.
We walked around the botanical gerdens, and said little, but there's a members night on the eighth and we'll try to get her to come along to see the lights that night and hopefully bring our brother along if he's up to walking around that evening.
I took photos. Those are more pleasant to focus on. It was lovely and I think she did enjoy herself despite being with me.

A sculpture in the orchid wing of the big greenhouse that was new, or at least we've never seen it there before.

This was in the orchid wing as well, and she insisted I take a photograph of it, although she questioned my knowledge of how to work the digital camera.

This is an old mulberry tree that we were afraid they would tear down when they built the new children's garden and treehouse. Instead they've preserved it and set up a wonderful play area around it. They even reinforced one of the branches that was sagging and put up a sign asking the children to climb carefully because it's roughly one-hundred years old.

This was growing along the lake, and the sign said it was some kind of golden holly. Absolutely beautiful. Bridgielove asked me to get this shot with the bridge in the background but you can barely see it.

Bridgie holding a fallen flower.

photopost, update

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