Jul 06, 2005 20:02
The trip to Shenandoah was wonderful. My legs were sore for a few days afterwards. The people we went with were not nearly as interested in hiking as they should have been, but Bridgielove and I wandered off on our own plenty, and managed three different hikes even though we didn't get there until late in the morning. We visited Big Meadows, which has been my favourite part in the past, and wandered up a trail I hadn't seen before. Lots of deer trails, and Bridgie let me wander around tracking them. Didn't see nearly as many as I would have liked, because of the time of day. It was right when they're all hiding to sleep out the worst of the heat, but we saw a great many of them on the drive out. I didn't take as many photos as I should have. Ah well, a photographer I am not. I think Bridgielove got a photo of me with my eyes closed because it was so bright.
I haven't been online much, partly because the people I've been playing Thorn with were gone on vacation most of this week. I have been on playing Aloysius some, but the current plot has him temporarily out of comission. Unfortunately, Thorn still hasn't gotten in a sparring match, but I don't mind too much, as this morning he got into an unexpected piece of playing with one of Bridgie's characters, and fell into a little twist that suits me fine. Of course, I don't think anyone else noticed. Mmmh... I'm playing to myself... I suppose as long as I enjoy it, there's nothing wrong with that? It's just the nexus is so odd that my subtle clues are a bit *too* subtle. On the other hand, I don't want to give away too much too soon.
Hmh. Off to play the leper...