Sep 03, 2008 23:50
Well, Sunday night, I came down with the stomach flu. Sick for two days, and lost track of dates for the syllabus for psych, meaning that I'm now terribly, terribly behind. Somehow, I have to do lots of psych AND write up a rough draft of my spiritualism presentation this week-end. Or at least do the research and then organize it properly.
Tomorrow night, our belly dance troupe is performing, which means less time, so tomorrow's basically going to be reading Oliver Twist and doing the short (100-200 word) homework on some passage therein.
Tonight, I read Gertrude Stein. Very interesting. I think I like her, but I wish I understood her better. Also, for Structure of the English language, I read the short pieces for tomorrow - all of which were arguments for or against the idea of "Standard" English, and whether or not teachers should correct dialects or not. Interesting stuff. I find myself vaguely in the middle, erring towards allowing dialects except in classes designed to teach "Standard English" which I do think should be available, and probably required, although I'm less sure on that.
I myself love "Standard English" and am rather a perfectionist about it even in speech, except in extreme cases, such as who vs. whom and ending sentences with prepositions. But I don't think that just because someone don't talk right, it means they don't think right.
But, I worked straight - either school or old job - from 9 a.m. until 11 p.m. so I think I've had it for awhile. Here's hoping I don't get sick again.