Max. Fallout: Update and pics

Apr 08, 2011 10:26

Okay, so I haven't started the new chapter yet, I was hoping for some more vote reviews 'xD silly me!
To be honest the last chapter has so far gotten 9 hits (woo!) I think even if those were all from people who submitted characters its still pretty good, but I would love some more reviews! Call me cheap for them but whatever, I love reviews ;D
Anyway, until I start writing, here's some pictures. *throws pictures*

This depicts (from left to right) Jason, Ant, Neon and Kuro wearing their school uniform. I hope this helps with picturing them...although...I drew this a lot of months ago now, maybe a year, so the drawing has a lot of flaws to me!
For one thing Jason looks like a stick creature! And has crazy crazy crazy hair! Anywho, hope you enjoy! I'll probably put up another couple today or soon, just to keep me interested until I start writing :)

maximum fallout jason kuro neon ant

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