Oct 10, 2005 23:11
I'm sure most of you know by now that I got fired from my job on Wednesday. So I will explain this as best I can so I don't have to answer the same questions over and over again later. Well, if any of you keep track of the news you will know that Delta recently went bankrupt. Since my airline had a contract with Delta and we were taking in a few mainline 737 flights a day, Delta felt like they had to pull those flights come the end of December. This whole thing happened mere weeks after my boss had done some massive hiring in order to staff the flights with the bigger planes. My boss and management team are all of a sudden finding themselves waaaaay overstaffed and they knew they'd have to cut some people. I figured I was pretty safe since I was 2 thirds of the way up the seniority and would probably be able to keep my full time status. Plus I had way more training than over half the other employees. They couldn't afford to lose me right? Wrong. I think they were just waiting for someone to make a mistake so they would have an excuse to get rid of them. Well I happened to be the first one. I indirectly was the cause of very very very minor damage to a 737. I didn't even touch the freaking plane. The a/c was left hooked up to the plane and we pulled back the jetbridge which in turn pulled on the hose and bent the a/c port. I got blamed for it since I was the one on the ground guiding the bridge operator. I was supposed to be the one to check that it was unhooked. Well for one, I didn't know anyone had hooked it up in the first place so it didn't even cross my mind to look, and for two, I didn't know the hose was too short. This was the icing on the cake supposedly because as I found at at my "Sorry you're fired" lecture, the supervisors keep track of every little thing. Every time they talk to you about something, no matter how small, they make not of it in your local station record. They brought up a previous accident I had a while back where I was driving some carts and they very last one clipped the corner of the belt loader and turned it about 45 degrees. Neither the a/c nor the belt loader incidents cost the company a dime, delayed any flights, or caused hardship of any kind to any person or entity. On the belt loader there was just a small paint scratch and on the 737, we called dispatch and they said to just leave it and the morning crew just hammered the bent piece back into place and sent it on it's way. While they were firing me they said that I had been tardy numerous times (like 4 in the whole 9 months i'd been there) as if I did it all the time, that I lacked superior customer service skills (cause I didn't know to collect a $10 ticketing charge that wasn't even included in the total on the receipt), and that I walked under the wing of the Brasilia (something that agents even senior to me have done every God damn day. You'd have to try really hard to cause damage to that plane by walking under the wing cause it's like 7.5 feet off the ground). It was just a bunch of stupid shit like that that I couldn't even believe they had the gaul to bring up.
So anyway, here I am now, with only a part-time, minimum wage job (coliseum, excuse me, TOYOTA CENTER, hired me back) and I live by myself. I have rent and other bills to pay. Fuckin' wonderful isn't it? So if anyone knows of any jobs that pay a livable wage let me know.
In other news, I was checking out profiles on the Renaissance Faire group on myspace and came across Thomas, The Pyro Juggler's profile. I read one of his recent blogs which turned out to be pretty interesting. Here it is....
So it would appear that I have a part in an HBO series called Interloper. I get to play this part:
James Alexander Windsor: (Early 30s) A true adventurer and scholar of the mysterious races that legends say once existed upon the Earth along with mankind. He's the Indiana Jones type with a flare of his own. Quite the gentleman with the ladies and quite determined on the quest that has been in his family for generations to prove to mankind once and for all that man was not the only beings that lived on the Earth, but due to their intolerance it forced the enchanted races to leave. He's born of British nobility and it shows in his regal demeanor. He's quite adept at the use of swords, bows, and weapons of honor. He is not fond of firearms, but will use them if he has to. His sense of humor is cynical and dry since he's dealt with narrowed minded people his whole life. At times his patience can be pushed and he downright becomes frustrated with the ignorance of mankind. Once he leans of the presence of Arjux he becomes obsessed with finding him and helping the Elf with his quest to foil Lykosta's plan of enslaving humanity into an army and taking them back to Caledonia to destroy the enchanted races that will not bow to his domination. In the early stages of his relationship with Arjux, he's in absolute awe to finally not only have proof of the existance of an enchanted race, but to meet one in the flesh. He feels it is his destiny to be with Arjux and is honored to do whatever is needed to ensure his mission succeeds. Throughout the show their friendship and bond will grow and they're partneship will become as legendary as Batman and Robin.
Hopefully all will go well. I'm used to being a stage actor, and will have to adjust to working on the small screen.