During the move...

Nov 24, 2006 16:25

Well, almost done, just have a house full of rubbish still to be cleaned out, and then one that is less full of rubbish *happy dances* to be sorted and that will be that!

With Aussie Open swimming starting next weekend this will be the last one till Christmas I have at home, or at least have not working swim meets. Won't be 'at home' as such, will be over at the old house cleaning out!

And as it's something I am not particularly good at, but might have some time to get done while I'm working the nine days straight up at Opens, I'll ask the question now.

If you would like a card (Christmas, or otherwise) from me/downunda, leave me your details in a tag to this thread. I've put the 'screen' on so you don't have to worry about the info being seen by anyone else, it'll all be kept private. Also, if there's something about Australia in particular you find interesting, or intriguing or whatever, tell me? I have some bits and pieces I've found while going through a ton of stuff I've accumulated over the years, some of them things to send to friends overseas, that have kinda never made it out of the bag they were brought home in! *ducks head and kicks toe in dirt*

So anyway, that's about it... will definitely have a little bit of time during Opens to wander in to the shopping centre and pay a visit to the post office, so am hoping to be a little more active in the whole sending of stuff scenario! Emphasis on 'hoping'...

addresses, moving

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