01. The first character I fell in love with: ...god, i don't remember. prob'ly zuko.
02. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: lu ten. even though i prob'ly fill him in different from most people
03. The character (most) everyone else loves that I don't: Jet
04. The character I love that everyone else hates: Long Feng
05. The character I used to love but don't any longer: kuei. and katara.
06. The character I would shag anytime: ...i can only pick one? um. probably topping the list atm is long feng, even though i think he's gay. <<;; I LIKE FICTIONAL LONG HAIRED EVIL MEN, OKAY. him or lu ten, at least the way i characterize the latter.
07. The character I want to be like: ty lee. she's happy with who she is, generally cheerful, not afraid to own up to her mistakes, and admits she's unhappy at least when she's really unhappy, if not all the time
08. The character I'd slap: Sozin. Not for giving us a plot, but for waiting 'til he's freaking eighty to get himself a goddamn heir. wtf, way to keep things stable at home while trying to conquer the world.
09. A pairing that I love: Toko has a special place in my heart at the moment, even though i haven't been able to work it myself/find a really good fic for it/figure out a good setup to work it myself...mebbe i'll try it for valentine's day. iono.
10. Two pairings that I hate: Jetko and Kataang. Though I at least pay lipservice to the latter before breaking them up. Usually.
11. Favourite character: At the moment? Probably Lu Ten or Toph. It's bound to change, though.
12. My six favourite characters: Zuko, Lu Ten, Toph, Long Feng, Azulon, Ty Lee
13. My five least favourite characters: Jet, Combustion Man (probably would've liked him if he'd gotten more on-screen development, but, as it is, i don't even like him enough to invent my own background for him, whatever out-of-series word of god has said), the 'good guy' sage from the winter solstice two-parter, the head pirate (i like my fictional pirates romanticized, dammit!), the mayor from 'avatar day', and...um...factory boss from the painted lady? i don't know.
14. Which character I am most like: ...hrm...probably professor zei.
15. My deep, dark fandom secret: ...huh. got a couple, i think. not overly fond of maiko, because the timing of the whole thing bothers me/they set the bar too high too early and are bound to be disappointed in each other. i like katara less and less the more i rewatch certain parts of the series and even the parts i still like her at can't really reclaim her for me, and i'm not 100% sure why this is. but i don't hate her, i just don't like her anymore. plus, i feel like she stole zuko's closure at the end, he didn't get an opportunity to come full circle before starting a completely new life that he hasn't been prepared for. and, yes, i get why katara is the one to defeat azula in the end, because they sort of mirror each other in a lot of ways, and i think that's a really awesome story/device and i'm just whining because i feel like they resolved some symbolic-level storylines and didn't resolve others and even though i can't think of a better way to have done it, added to all the fact that i don't particularly like her anymore anyway...yeah. it's something i whine about. and the fact that it is whining and i'm not really 100% agreeing with myself on that last bit is why it's a deep dark secret.