For once, though, my day wasn't ruined by someone lying to me!
Okay. So. We have a proposal due Friday. Usual last-minute scramble to get all the text in place, fine. We meet at like 3 this afternoon to check on status-three of the four sections are done, ready to start making the rounds of editors (I’m the final editor for proposals, apparently because I have the best eye for copy-editing in the office or smth…whatever).
Only my boss C decides that she doesn’t like the way one of the resumes (we have to submit 3 with the proposal) is formatted, which is exactly how she told me and MA to format the resumes, but she has now changed her mind after seeing it. So, since MA is first-round editor and thus busy with other things, I get to start reworking said resume (and, probably, the other two-only, wait, C hasn’t finalized which of the six (seven? She threw a new one at me this afternoon, too) possible candidates is going into the actual proposal). Yay!
I do so according to her instructions, we go over what I did, she asks me to make some other changes. Fine. She then says ‘I’m going to send you *New Candidate’s* resume to start working on, too. It’s now about 5:15. Normal go-home time is 5:30. But fine. I figure I can fix the changes she wanted and get at least a rough version of the new one in an hour or so.
I’m working on the changes to Edited Candidate’s resume that C asked for, and she comes to me and says, ‘hold off on New Candidate for now, and work on Other Candidate instead.’ Fine. I finish up EC’s resume, send it to C. Start working on OC’s, doing fine.
Finish OC’s, it’s now like seven, and I want to go home, but still haven’t really done anything with NC’s, and I feel like I shouldn’t until I at least start. But I decide to check and see if C has left yet (can’t always tell from where I sit), and apparently the changes I made to EC’s resume made it confusing. So I have to basically start over.
::cries internally::
I go back to my desk and start working on that. C comes up to me at like 7:40, says that OC’s looks mostly good other than some minor tweaks because I’m not a super techy person. I show her what I’ve been doing on restarting EC’s. She says it looks good. I don’t mention NC’s, which I did start reordering. Neither does she.
She finally seems to be heading out, so I’m going to finish tweaking EC’s resume a little bit and email that (and the rough NC that I did get a little work done on) to C and then go hooooome.
This week is fucking fired. Not just, like, out of a job fired, but BARBECUED.