Title: Moving On
Author: shadowsong26
Rating: R
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Jody Mills, Nick, various background characters
Warnings: References to past suicide attempts and suicidal ideation, violence as in the show. This story deals heavily with grief, both Jody’s and the other characters’, and past character deaths and/or presumed deaths are discussed with some detail, though no one (other than the typical monster-victims one might expect from a regular MotW episode) dies on-page/during the story.
Summary: While Dean is in Purgatory and Sam is in Texas, Jody joins a grief support group and stumbles onto a case.
Disclaimer: All characters are the property of their respective creators.
Notes: Canon-compliant through 10x23, and potentially more to come in this story/setup/with these characters, because clearly I needed a third long-range fic project for this fandom. Not affiliated with/not in the same timeline as either Heaven on Their Minds or The Promises of Angels.
Special Note on Dating: As with most of my fic, I will be including the two skipped years (between S5/S6 and S7/S8) with regard to any timelining/date information. It isn’t super-relevant here, but just so you know.
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