snagged from
ridetehrainbow's post [
001. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
002. List (and upload, if you feel like it) five songs that start with that letter.
003. Post them to your journal with these instructions.
X] 01. Rooster // Alice in Chains [Dirt]
X] 02. Reaching Out // Mark McGrath [Strait Up -tribute album-]
X] 03. Revolving Door // Crazytown [The Gift of Game]
X] 04. Rusty Cage // Soundgarden [Bad Motorfinger]
X] 05. Rockstar // N.E.R.D. [Blue Crush OST]
+ bonus tracks...
got bored as hell before bed and thought about posting this meme
but now that I think about it...
after looking for a few songs for this list
perhaps an entire mix CD can be constructed from this idea
more tunes to come tomorrow
along with these 5 being uploaded tomorrow