Nov 16, 2005 21:33
Writing a research paper on the history of Being and Nothingness from Gilgamesh to Hamlet for my World Lit I class. Considering writing a continuation of the paper next semester in World Lit II from Descartes to Sartre...
But, yeah...This has been the most brutal research paper I think I've done to date.
So far I've read, with special attention to philosophical arguments:
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Old Testament
Hereklitos' Writings (what remains)
Plato's Sophist and Republic
Aristotle's Metaphysics and Nicomachean Ethics
St. Augustine's Confessions
Heidegger's Genesis of Being and Time and Hermenuetics of Ontology
... and Hamlet.
All of this (save for Gilgamesh and Hamlet which serve only to make this more applicable to a World Literature class rather than a Philosophy class) just so that I can understand enough about what came before Being and Time to have some hope of understanding it.
Kind of a ridiculous paper...pretty fun, though.