Drabble: Born and Made

Oct 14, 2010 00:07

A/N:  Yes, fine I did another challenge when I should have been doing my corrections to "nightmare."   It's her fault! *points at icon*
Title: Born and Made
Series: 1/1
Fandom: LotS
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Challenge:  Legend of The Seeker, Cara/Kahlan, They travel together to visit Cara's sister after the victory
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing.  No infringement intended.
Summary:  After returning to Aydindril, Kahlan suggests another journey.

Kahlan only stayed briefly at Aydindril before she started packing her bags again.  She professed that she had fallen out of touch with the people of the Midlands as they chased after the Stone of Tears.  Traditionally, these “circuits” were made by confessor and wizard, but Kahlan claimed Cara would do just as well.  Cara suspected the confessor was trying to “socialize” her, as if familiarity could make a Mord’Sith less fearsome.  Since Cara wasn’t going to be parted from Kahlan, especially not with Zedd off at the People’s Palace so that there was no trustworthy wizard available, her assignment as traveling companion suited her anyway.

When Kahlan casually suggested they make Stowecroft one of their first stops Cara raised an eyebrow.  “I suppose you are going to want to visit Dennee too?” she inquired.  Kahlan’s sister would, no doubt, join them in Aydindril eventually, so there would be no avoiding her in the long run.

Kahlan paused, looking surprised for a moment.  “I’d like that, Cara,” she replied, correctly interpreting the Mord’Sith’s surly reply as a thank you and an offer.

Cara grunted in response and set about adding some shirts and breeches to her own things.  She wasn’t going to be stuck wearing a dress again if her leather frightened any more children.  She wondered if she’d need them, though.  A child of the Midlands might not recognize Mord’Sith whites.

fic, femslash, drabble, lots, challenge, kahlan/cara

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