And now I'm 30 years old....

Feb 28, 2017 22:41

Goodness gracious me!!!!

It is so depressing to think about it (and worst off, write about it), but I am freaking 30 years old now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Didn't I just 18 years old like yesterday???? Didn't we just all go to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate my birthday???.... or was all like, 12 years ago?!?!?!?

Man oh, man. Where do I even begin? Still rockin' hard at my job being a Training Supervisor... with no one to supervise honestly... which is weird. Then again, I'm kinda grateful cause the 2 peeps that I did have under me totally did not dig me for like, weird reasons.

First of all, when I say that I'll fight tooth and nail for someone, I completely mean it. I'm legit to my word. However, if you continually put yourself in a spot where I can't save you no matter what I say or do, then how can you be mad at me for "not" having your back??? Regardless, I'd say it was for the better.

So here I am. My company is going thru a trying time, but those of us who remain have done our best to help the company move forward and prevail. It's tough to see people come and go where I'm at, but at the same time, you got to do what is best for yourself and for your family. I'm super grateful to have the position that I have and also the type of leadership that I'm under. I am not micromanaged. I'm trusted. They invest in me and teach me to be better everyday.

Buuuut enough about work. What's going on in this weird life of mine?

For one, I can never seem to remember to write in this LJ cause I continually forget about it. I also try to do other blogs, but some for some unknown reason to me, I cannot commit to anything else that is not LJ or Xanga..... even though I don't remember my password... I think. I'm sure I could make it happen, but I highly doubt anyone even reads Xanga anymore... or if it even exists anymore. I think my username was NP_Fanatic.... and I only remember that cause of my undying love for Natalie Portman which freakishly has not died over the years.

I probably sound like a broken record, but I think a lot of old friends and people from high school. Facebook is serious source of information for a lot of people that you just wanna read up on, even if they are not your friend on it. But I continually ask myself, who is happy? Who is struggling? Who is married? Who have children? Who has a home? Who went to college? Who finished? Are they happy with what their life has become? What are their plans?

I even think about old teachers. What has become of them? Are they still doing what they love to do?

My oldest son is at my old elementary school. And his teacher knows Jake. But she said something that caught my attention. She made mention that Jake recognized my son (mostly by the last name) and made mention that we were best friends for many years... but as the years have gone by since high school, we drifted apart. Which still to this day is devastating to me. It's a part of my heart and soul that can never really be healed. Nevertheless, I could never wish wrong on him. Ever. Not even on his family, even if they probably still shun me to this day. It's easy to hold grudges, but I never could with them. Especially after all the love they showed me for years.

I don't want to feel like I'm going thru mid-life crises either. Yes, I'm older (as we all are), but I notice that I dwell a lot on the past when I go on this thing... which is probably the reason I never really update this as much because pretty soon, I'll run out of things to type about here. I'm honestly pretty simple in life right now. My 2 sons are great (especially the youngest who we still call White Baby) and my wife is doing bomb dot com as well. We actually are going to be married 10 years this coming December. Which if you ask me, is longer than most people my age have lasted these days. It's a sad thing, but most people these days just don't know what it is to put in the effort anymore in a relationship and/or marriage.

I observe people everywhere I go. But I particularly pay attention to this technology infested generation who cannot live without their cell phones and social media. It's a depressing sight to see "family time" because of a selfie competition or status update on Facebook or filter challenge on SnapChat. None of that was acceptable growing up in our generation. People talked. People made eye contact. People could live without social media. Hell, if you wanna get technical about it, MYSPACE was super popular, but people still knew how to talk to each other and hold a conversation without worrying about their cell phone. We used it for what it was created for: talking or texting. But even then, texting was not always the thing to do. But now, that is the normal thing to do versus talking on the phone.

And it's sad to see that the technology these days is even causing many jobs to get shut down due to online shopping. Stores are empty, unless it is Black Friday shopping... which now that I think about it, should just become it's own holiday at this rate! Hahaha.

Anyhoo people, I feel like I could typing here for a long time if I wanted to... or if I knew that people would actually read thing =P

Good night to all of you.

And wherever you are in this life, I sincerly pray that you are blessed and be prosporous in everything you do.
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