Sep 12, 2005 11:37
The past couple weeks have been okay I guess I have spent a lot of time with Whitney, but what else is knew. She is my bestest buddy.
Last weekend was her birthday so I snuck over there at like 1am in the morning. We snuck out of her house and just went out to act stupid. We went to Steak-N-Shake and got some yummy milk shakes. Then went out to Green to see if anyone was still out. We stood at BP and talked to some of our friends. Then went back to her house. Woke up Saturday and went to go get Mandy. Then over to Whitney’s dads house to get everything ready for her party. Her stop mom made a nice dinner of Fettuchini Alfredo, bread sticks, and caeser salad. After we ate everyone talked and just kind of joked around. Then Mandy, Whitney and I went out to Green. We walked down Green River Road just for the hell of it. People looked at us like we were stupid, but we had fun doing it. I saw Jared (J-Rod) and that made me happy because I had not seen him in awhile. After that Matt Akerman saw us and stopped and gave us a ride back to my car. We went back to Whitney’s. Around 2am Whitney and I snuck out to go get Thurston and Tayon. We picked them up and went to Denny’s to meet Nathan and Cory. When they got there a bunch of stuff had happened over the phone between Thurston and Anthony. Thurston wanted to fight Anthony so like 10 of our group of friends drove back to Anthony’s. Nothing ended up happening so it was kind of pointless. We took Tayon and Thurston back over to Thurston’s at like 4am. Then Whitney and I went back to her house and crashed. Sunday we got up and went to the mall and out to eat at Denny’s. Then I went home and got ready for work.
During the school week I didn’t really do much. I hung out with Whitney a couple nights and I hung out with Alyssa some also. Nothing to important to type down really.
This weekend was okay I guess. Friday everyone had planned to go to the drive in, but that didn’t happen. My car broke down Friday so Rachel, Whitney and I were pretty stuck at Whitney’s. Then a friend of Whitney’s from band came and took us to the mall. We walked around the mall for a little bit. We ran into Scott, Cari, Nick and Mandy and a yelling fight broke out in between Mandy and Whitney, but they got it fixed. Then everyone went over to Whitney’s. Nick and Scott got into it with Whitney because she told them that they weren’t going to talk shit about her friends in her house because it makes her mad. So of course Scott, Nick and Cari left. Everything is okay with Nick now. Saturday I had to work from 6pm-12am. So that was kind of okay. Then afterwards I spent the night with my Grandma. Sunday I had to work 6pm-10pm. Then I came down to my Grandma’s to spend the night.
I overslept this morning because the alarm at my Grandma’s didn’t go off and no one called to make sure I was up. So I didn’t go to school beings my car is broken down and I had no way there. I called my dad and he was kind of aggravated, but hey there was nothing I could do.