Guys....Confusion....Pretty much equal out to the same thing.

Sep 12, 2005 11:36

Ok. I think I figured out what the most confusing thing in the world is….it is guys. I am sure us girls are confusing to, but right now I would say guys are winning at confusion.

Let’s see I guess that I should start with the whole Tayon thing. He was hanging out with Whitney and I for pretty much every other day for a week or more. He was confusing because he was acting like he liked me, but then I found out he had a girlfriend. Then there was a lot of bullshit with that situation. To sum it up… he pretty much had to quit talking to me or she would through a bitch fit. She even offered him $20.00 if he wouldn’t hang out with me or talk to me. It was hard for me because I actually really liked him. You can ask pretty much any of my friends he was all I talked about for awhile. I left my feelings get in the way of me and I ended up getting hurt. Now him and I talk sometimes, but not really. I wish that would change because he is actually a ½ way decent person once you get to know him.

Then there was Gerrikk. He told me he liked me a lot. We talked on the phone one night and it was just one of those conversations where you never want to get off the phone. The next day at school he asked me out and I said yes. Well that night after school I was talking to him on the phone and he said he couldn’t go out with me because he also liked someone else. He wanted to see if the other girl was going to go anywhere so he told me he needed time to think. Well the next day Whitney and I went over to his house and he would act like he liked me and then back off. There was a comment made about how I liked him more then Tayon because of the way he acts around me. He got mad. When I got home from his house I called him and he was like I am mad at you. I asked why and he said because I compared him to Tayon and I was like you don’t understand what I mean at all. Then I just let it go. I called him the following day after school and he was still mad at me and he was just like I don’t want to talk to you anymore. So I hung up.

I mean what would you guys have done in my situation or what would you do about it now?
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