its funny... you know that feminist test, the bechamel test or something... that is used to see if female characters are being portrayed as people or as cut out placements for male interest, via what they talk about with each other? welllll ive just realised that no one i currently live with passes it. all they talk about is boys and hair and diets characaturish bullshit.
its kinda weird because these people do exist, and they exist in large numbers, and they do and say exactly those rediculous things. so its not like the characters are misrepresentative, its that they only represent one type of people, and comparing the kinda person that exists to mimic steriotypes as well as they can, to everyone else, is kinda annyoing.
1. What's your favorite candle scent? - uhm, i have mint choc chip cookie and its awesome
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister? - erm erm... no idea
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother? - again, erm.
4. How old do you think you'll be when you get married? - 90
5. Do you know a hoarder? - not so much
6. Can you do a split? - banana
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? - 14 or something
8. How many oceans have you swam in? - the one around the uk, the one between europe and africa
9. How many countries have you been to? - few
10. Is anyone in your family in the army? - not that i know of
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? - dunno
12. What would you name your son if you had one? - dunno
13. What's the best grade you got on a test? - 97% R.E
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? - bucky o' hare, ninja turtles, pirates of dark water
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? - the fuck should i know.
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? -NOPE
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? - wtf do you idiots mean by british accent.
18. Did your mother go to college? - yeah
19. Are your grandparents still married? - yeah
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? - tae kwan do
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? - ¬_¬
22. What's the first amusement park you've been to? - flambards
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? - yes
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray? - grey because im english
25. Is your father bald? - he is certainly getting there
26. Do you know triplets? - nope
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? - not seen the notebook. titanic was ok
28. Have you ever had Indian food? - reallllly?
29. What's the name of your favorite restaurant? - something korean
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? - not has
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ's, etc.)? - uhm no
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? - Dan, but dad allways says fred or george.
33. If you have a nickname, what is it? - evil
34. Who's your favorite person in the world? - dunno. it cant be anyone i dont know, and i cant place people i know above each other
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? - wilderness within easy distance of the city
36. Can you whistle? - mhm
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? - nope, as a kid, nightlights scared me..
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? hardly
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? - nope
40. What medical conditions do you have? - hrrm... mostly stones
41. How many times have you been to the hospital? - not many
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? - meh
43. Where do you buy your jeans? - primark, they make them with crap stretchy material which wears out fast but at least that way they fit both my waist and my arse
44. What's the last compliment you got? - gorgeous. and that is sorta a favourite of mine when sincere.
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? - yeah
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy? - tea, green, white, spiced, cherry and cinnamon
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? - some but most are worn out
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? - i wont force them into anything. ill give them information on ones i know of and answer their questions to the best of my ability. my general mantra will be 'well what do you think? some people think this, some people think this, and others this.' and if they asked me what i thought id tell them that too.
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn't real? - i guess young enough that telling my one to three years younger than me cousins about the conspiracy did not sit well with them.
50. Why do you have a Tumblr? i was going to have one to store pictures as my computer is lacking in space, but then i figured itd mostly be wolves and loki with the odd art or craft picture.
1. I almost got mashed by a train.
2. I hit someone. - i once punched my cousin in the stomach for slapping me with a chain
3. I grabbed someone’s ass. i was persuaded to
4. Someone literally wiped the floor with me.
5. I got drunk and ran away.
6. I used a paternoster.
7. I jumped into a fountain.
8. I stepped on glass barefoot.
9. I played games with a crippled veteran.
10. I said pervy things to a kid.
11. I almost got killed by a stoned guy.
12. I wore the opposite sex's clothes and I liked it. jeans and a tshirt motherfucker!
13. I cried because of some stranger's death.
14. I nearly drowned.
15. I went to the beach naked.
16. I partied with random people on a train.
17. I had a cherry stone spitting contest.
18. I forced somebody to do something illegal.
19. I became a vegetarian.
20. I threw things at a teacher.
21. Somebody tried to kidnap me.
22. I faked an accident.
23. I kissed someone while their partner was watching.
24. I had sleep paralysis.
25. I've been in the other sex's bathroom.
26. I kicked some guy in his balls.
27. I pierced myself.
28. I cried at a medical practice.
29. I got hit in the face and lost a tooth.
30. I went outside at night and ran a mile. - walked it, more than it, alones
31. I wore a top hat.
32. I slept in a room with snoring people.
33. Someone spilled their drink over me. its like every fucking time i go to a new weatherspoons i have to be christened
34. I stole a park bench.
35. I had ants in my shower.
36. I had a celebrity-sex-dream.
37. I had a sunburn on my feet.
38. I met someone who had slept with his sibling.
39. I made out with someone whose name I didn't know.
40. I danced with the owner of a bar to get free drinks.
41. I kissed someone who I thought was disgusting.
42. Someone offered me to "teach me french".
43. I accidentally hit myself in the eye.
44. I dodged the fare.
45. I went sailing.
46. I saw a whale roaming free.
47. I quit smoking.
48. I completed a Sudoku.
49. I forced someone on the internet to send me a birthday present.
50. I "sexy-danced" with a member of the same sex.
51. I got mistaken for a Turk.
52. I got hit on by a cocaine junkie.
53. I've been despised for hating carnival.
54. I had my very own "Nipplegate".
55. I changed clothes while random people were in the room.
56. I have been in a play.
57. I faked a headache.
58. I cheated on a test and got caught.
59. I have been called a satanist. - its semi true anyways
60. I got seasick.
61. I did the tequila ritual.
62. I played a strip game until I was completely naked.
63. I took sweets from strangers.
64. I sang stupid songs loudly in public.
65. I sang til my voice was gone. - fuck yeah dir en grey concert!
66. I insulted someone for driving too slowly.
67. I refused an anesthetic the doctor wanted to give me and regretted it. - i was not old enough to decide, mom refused it for me, i still remember them holding me down
68. I left my money purse in a public place and when I came back, it was still there.
69. A dog bit me.
70. I sent a message in a bottle.
71. I fell flat on my back and could not breathe.
72. I shaved my head.
73. I've been on a train for more than 6 hours.
74. I accidentally pulled an emergency cord.
75. I hugged a stranger.
76. I painted my face completely blue.
77. I complimented somebody on his teeth. - brian, who was a really nice guys but i cant remember his surname, had been through some life troubles and came out looking like he was going to be a top notch professional something or other adult, and had amazingly perfect teeth.
78. I spanked someone with a wooden spoon. - probably
79. I saw a mummy.
80. I have been in a house that looks like a whale.
81. I went out in ugly homeclothes.
82. My bra strap tore while I was at school.
83. I was daydreaming and when someone asked me something there were just nonsense sounds coming out of my mouth. - i have answered questions whilst asleep, with peanut butter
84. I was walking down the street drinking beer at 11 AM.
85. I made friends with a mentally handicapped person.
86. I was talking a mix of English and Spanish and I didn't notice.
87. I had someone drink from my bellybutton.
88. I got stuck in an elevator.
89. I fell from a tree.
90. I bought shoes and never wore them.
91. I got so mad I cried.
92. I've cut.
93. I had an inflammation of the middle ear more than 5 times.
94. I laughed at random people on the street.
95. Someone violated (not raped) me on a graveyard.
96. I did stupid things with toilet paper.
97. I mixed crumbled eggs with chocolate.
98. I ordered something at a restaurant and then left.
99. I baked cookies with rum.
100. I walked through snow barefoot.
You've been a vegetarian for over a year.
You don't like John Lennon. dont know who he is really
You are studying Mandarin Chinese.
You have blue eyes and white hair.
People often mistake you for sixteen or under.
You enjoy reading and mathematics.
You wish your family was healthier mentally.
Your favorite flavour of tea is mint.
You listen to foreign music.
You watch the anime Naruto Shippuden.
You prefer routine to your day.
You've never attended a concert.
You're Chinese.
Your favorite sport is basketball.
Your favorite basketball team is the Lakers.
You basically want to marry Kobe Bryant.
You have a Samsung S4.
You hate English quite a lot.
You like playing card games.Your parents are scientists.
You are really good at physics.
You prefer noodles over rice.
You want to own a BMW when you're older.
You were in choir in high school.
You like spicy food.
You're short compared to your friends.
You really like Hello Kitty and try to own a lot of it.
Your father is slowly dying.
Your mother is studying in a university.
You have a crush on someone who is younger than you.
You like to eat apples a lot.
You've had braces and they were recently taken out.
You recently decided to have bangs for your hair.
You eat rice at least every other day.
You live in a huge house.
You have multiple strangers living in your house with you.
You got a large amount of Halloween candy last year.
You are really good at badminton.
You like to watch Asian reality shows.
You have no siblings.
You hate your name.
You are very aggressive.
You overeat a lot and feel very guilty afterwards.
You are used to being left out.
You hate missing the person you care for.
You are a slow learner.
You don't like your teeth.
You have dyed your hair orange before.
Your friends think you have a great taste in music.
You would choose food over love any day. well one is nessicary for survival
You often swear too much.
You have an older sister.
Your mother owns a beautiful car.
You are only nice to people you trust.
You like mood rings.
You obsess over Candy Crush.
You have an iPad or iPad Mini.
You prefer your hair in a ponytail more.
You have very noticeable dimples.
You always use a cute voice with people.You have a blue bicycle.
You're female.
Your birthday is in the spring.
You spend a lot of time stuck in your head.
You'd like to write a novel one day.
You think the smell of smoke is disgusting.
You listen to 'indie' music.
You adore music from the 60s/70s/80s.
Your favourite pastime is reading.
You don't understand the whole 'kawaii' obsession.
You enjoy something a lot of people your age hate.
You're asthmatic.
You never know what to say around people.
You're extremely shy, and it's often mistaken for rudeness.
You like running.
You feel like you don't belong in the place you live.
Discrimination of any kind makes you angry.
Whipped ice cream is your favourite.
You're always cold.
You hate the social networking site Facebook.
Justin Bieber's attitude pisses you off.
You swear a lot more than you probably should.
You have self-harmed.
You're on/you have been on antidepressants.
You have made fun of something, but secretly enjoyed it.
You're not sure if you want kids or not.
You want to travel the world.
You've never been popular at school.
You wanted to be a singer before you found out that you couldn't sing.
You have naturally curly hair.
You like experimenting with different styles of handwriting.
You like learning about History.
You're bad at every science.
You're even worse at Maths.
Human psychology interests you.
You're agnostic when it comes to religion.
You're interested in the occult.
You use Tumblr. - mostly i just look at otherp eoples
And you would hate for people you know in real life to find your blog. - if i had one, id have to hide in shame lol.
You keep your thoughts to yourself.
You like burning candles.
You don't like yourself.
You're trying to be more positive.
Horror movies are your favourite.
Blood and guts don't bother you.
You hate everything regarding feet.
You try to be as honest as possible.
You get along well with your family.
You trust very few people.
You have at least one cat.
You've read all of the Harry Potter and Narnia books.
You hate going out anywhere.
You sleep a lot.
You can turn almost anything into a joke.
You listen to a lot of things ironically.
You have strange thoughts. Writing notes helps you absorb information.
What body attracts you the most, men or women? meh
Do you have any plans for tonight? What about tomorrow night? running around forests with foam
What did you have for lunch today? not had it yet.
What color are your nails painted? sorta stained red from dye
Has someone ever called you at midnight on your birthday? nope
Do your siblings text you? not has
Have you ever been upgraded to first-class at the airport because of a problem, or have you ever flown there at any other time? What did you like about it? nope
Do you talk about your feelings through texting? not often
Have you ever heard of longboarding? If you have, do you want to learn? sure id like it
How much older than you was the last person you kissed, if they were older? 5 :D
Who was the last band you saw live? uhhh korpiklaani?
Do you think it's necessary for couples to live together before getting married? they can make whatever mistakes they want
Do you want to fall in love in the next couple of months? *shrugs*
Do the things you do normally have to have reasons behind them, or not? eh
Do you think that you're a good person? yes and no. my actions are usually good, my thoughts are usually not.
Who was the last person of the opposite sex you slept in a bed with? bf
What's your stance on religion in general? its a tool, you use it well and it enriches you, you use it badly and you twist it and it twists you.
Why are you NOT going out with the person you want? i am.
01. What was the last thing you ate? bacon sarnie
02. What shirt did you wear last Tuesday? uh
03. What's your biggest pet peeve? its been changed to people who, though it is crowded, its not jam packed, still insist upon leaning their body weight or bags upon you. despite you moving as far as you can away to give them space, and them obviously having space, will gravitate back towards you as a convinient resting place. please dont rest your elbow on my shoulder you asshole. and dont get upset when i repeatedly shake you off.
10. Have you ever been to Nebraska? No.
11. Do you like it there? --
13. How frequently do you use Photobucket? every now and then
14. Do you have a Facebook? mhm
15. Which social network site do you like most? meh
16. How often do you do surveys? work
17. Do you make them? once or twice
18. Do you like to read? mhm
19. What was the last book you checked out from the library? its been a long time since ive seen a good library
20. Was it good? --
21. Who's your favorite author? Why? i like patrick rothfuss but he has a million flaws, i like scott lynch too and it seems he has his shit together so far
22. What colour are your mom's eyes? brown
23. What colour is your dad's hair? black
24. Are you wearing any jewelery? nope
25. What's your favourite Disney movie? avengers :D
26. Was that your favorite when you were a little kid? it wasnt out then. but ida still been like 'whoohooo loki' :lol:
27. When was the last time you took a walk? few days