So.. I finally got it back...

Dec 30, 2008 23:04

My data that is. From my old server that bit the big one. SO I finally now have new hosting, and have gotten some of the domains back up and at least semi functional.
Its up, mostly functional, the forum is working, but I still haven't quite figured out how to make the SQL file dump into a DB. I'm an artist.. not a database person. :P A lot of the really techical stuff escapes me. I need to pin down a tech, and I happen to know where two will be on New Years eve... *looks shifty*

If anyone cares, the den forums have a subdomain now:

You can go there, it works, but if you register/post, just remember that things won't stay.
The archive should be there, but certain things aren't working, like the forums. But that will come as I find a way to dump the DB. The LJ subscription elapsed, but I might switch over to wordpress/comicpress to run the comic in the new year, however, for now, its there.

I'm still working on the donors section to work again.. it was all script driven. Again, no DB. :P BUT I have the image data! so, I can at least salvage the content.
Mostly functional save for the chatbox on the front page. Again, that is a DB issue.
Functional, although needs retasking.
Unfortunately this domain isn't a part of my normal cadre of domains hosted with dotster, as a result, I need to do a little more work to get the nameserver changed over. Don't expect this one to be functioning too soon.
Pretty damn simple site. Functioning fine, but needs a redesign badly. *shudders*

Anyway, that's my report on the technical front.

In other news, happy new year everyone!

Let's hope 2009 doesn't suck as hardcore 2008 did. :P

shadowsden, shiftersonline, website, forums

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