Reassembling the Language

Sep 21, 2006 20:42

Having gained more experience in the world, I have come nearly full circle to determine that should you want to develop a serious drinking problem, learning assembly language is not the way to do it. Instead, you should learn assembly if you'd like to develop several psychotic disorders.

As I have said in the past, this language is called "Assembly" because you write a text file which can be "assembled" into machine language, the only language your computer can understand. However, I caution you that assembly is like Chinese; there are different dialects of assembly, those being Intel, Motorola, MIPS, Risk, Haft, Australopithecus and Napoleon Dynamite. The differences are cosmetic and mostly one of preference, although Napoleon Dynamite requires you to insert the obstrusive GOSH and SWEET directives every ten to twenty lines, while Australopithecus looks as though it was written by someone mashing their head against the input device, normally a keyboard or sacrifical alter.

Practically, the only commonly spoken dialects today are Intel, Motorola and MIPS. Haft has been wiped out in genocide and Australopithecus can only be found scratched into cave walls, likely by bashing a skull against them. Risk lives on in its child dialect RISC (although some will argue that RISC is in fact an architectural standard. Frankly, these people are idiots). Napoleon Dynamite can often be found, but few people take it seriously. GOSH.

Presently, there are attempts to "assemble" the three major dialect into one superlanguage. Unfortunately, this has proven impossible due to differences in vocabulary, as well as disagreements as to whether numbers should be counted forward or backward, a commonly dividing factor in the Intel dialect. A new dialect known as Cell has recently surfaced, but maybe people think it's too concerned with pretty art and not enough about conquest. Whether or not it will catch on is yet to be seen, but it's not too likely. After all, Haft was genocided out of existence, and Risk came close, so it's obviously only a matter of time until one of them reigns supreme.

Or else a civilized language like Objective C will wipe out of them out through enviromental destruction and assimilation, because Objective C is widely known to be spoken by dicks. Perhaps venerable assembly will be written out of history, never to be used again. Or, more likely, Obective C's attempts at domination will be met with a single, and defiant



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