Apr 16, 2011 10:51
This is going to be short but I need to post more stuff here than on my tumbleog because this is my personal blog, and that's more of just my LOLblog. Remember a while ago, I posted that letter to a certain someone? And in it I mentioned that there was someone I should have made up with?
Well, that person was Tiff, and we finally did. :) I was so happy too and so today Mark and I are going to hang out with her. It's been way too long, but I hope we can pick it up right where we left off. She was always fun to hang around.
As for the person the letter was about, I dunno. I don't even know if I would accept her apology if she ever did apologize. But whatever, I'm not gonna let that ruin my good streak right now. :)
i'm on the right track bb