Mar 14, 2011 22:41
I'm tired of hearing the phrase, "You have a voice." I really am. Why? Because people tell me this all the time, then proceed to ignore me or talk over me. Whenever I'm with a group of people and I start talking, no one listens really. And when I realize this, I'll start to ramble off topic from my sentence with a, "...And no one's listening so I'll just stop talking now." And this happens all too much for anyone really, and especially for me.
I'm awesome, dammit. Why can't you all just appreciate that? But I digress and deflate my self-esteem a drop, I'm always being cut off too. I should be used to this already, since this is frequent at the dinner table. Sometimes, I don't even talk because I know I won't get my point across. And when someone finally does listen? I get in trouble because I say something rude or brash that's meant to be taken as a joke but isn't. People wonder why I have a tendency to be quiet.
Well, here's you're answer: because I'm tired of trying to speak only to be cut off or disregarded.
Oh, and did I tell you I lost my funny? No one laughs at my jokes anymore and I don't know why. Well, my parents started to appreciate how hilarious I really am, but it seems I've sacrificed the comical respect of my peers for that of my parents--as nice a trade as it is, I really want my friends to think I'm funny.
Ugh, can summer come already?
why me?,
wah wah