I might as well have shouted my rant to the sky yesterday instead of posting it here but for some reason it's way more fun putting it on the internet. *shrugs* Spring break is next week anf I can't wait. A whole week to work on my fan-fictions! The Emeralds, Diamonds, and Pearls will be done and Chapter 8 will too. I just hope the Hairspray forums will be up because lately no can get on. It's practically my whole life. *cries*
Well, the OFFICIAL Hairspray movie trailer came out and might I say it's super special awesome! You can see it
here. Nikki Blonsky (Tracy Turnblad) is amazing! She practically is Tracy! The Insider also had a
special on it where Nikki sings "Good Morning Baltimore." July 20 is only three months away from tomorrow! It still seems far away though...