Guess what? I'm sick again. And guess what else? I'm sick with the flu. Yup. I was feeling really lousy on Tuesday and had a really high fever yesterday. I actually feel a lot better today, but the school is freaking out because about 200 kids are absent so I was obliged to go the doctors office to clear me. My doctor checked me, and he said that really all I had was a cold, but they would test me anyway so the school wouldn't turn into chaos. They took a nose swab... and I tested positive for Flu A. Now, they're sending my snot the CDC to test for swine flu, which I really doubt it is. Legally, I'm not allowed back in school until Wednesday.
This sucks.
However, for once since middle school, my teachers are sending home my work for me. Plus, my absences won't count against me.
...still. I'm bored out of my mind here. I'm refusing to read Fahrenheit 451 now. I really hate that book. Honestly, there are too many metaphors. No, it's not that I'm not a deep and compelling person, this book just tries too hard to be symbollic, to the point that it doesn't make any sense and you can't make heads or tails what it's trying to symbolize. I might just finish up the first Haruhi light novel or Rise of the Ogre, but unfortunatly Fahrenheit 451 is a school-assigned book, so if I don't read it I'll be in deep shit. Maybe I'll just read some of Savvy-la's novel. Even anime-wise, I don't feel like watching things. I'm caught up with all my airing anime (Bleach, Code Geass R2, FMA 2, Higashi no Eden, K-ON!, KHR!) and started my new sub/dub/FUNi round (where I watched a show subbed, dubbed, and a show available on FUNi's site all at once) of Kuroshitsuji, Tsubasa Chronicle Season 2, and xxxHOLiC. I'm pretty so fucking excited for the new Haruhi episode tomorrow though! AYEEEEEE!!! I also started Hetaila Axis Powers and I'm caught up with that, not to mention totally obsessed with it. My obsession is to the point that I had a dream that I was in French class and for some odd reason, we had questions about World War II on our quizzes.
But the art in it is so adorable! Look at Chibitalia!
This show makes me totally love the Axis Powers, even though in real life I don't.
I don't want to work on fanfiction either. Or my original stories... D:
Something's wrong with me.