*A place where nobody dared to go, the love that we came to know, they call it Xanadu!*

Aug 14, 2007 16:12

Writer's Block: What is one food that you refuse to try? Why?

Answer: Um, tuna. It smells gross and looks disgustiing. So why would I want to eat something that makes me gag at the thought of it?

Totally turned on to see Xanadu. I heard the movie sucked balls but the musical is supposed to be like a bajillion times better. The only question I have is on the musical site, they use Olivia Newton-John's version of "Xanadu" instead of using the new version from the OBCR (Kerry Butler peoplez. The greatest thing since the sandwhich :D) . That confoozles me. Well, the whole muse thing got me thinking and I did some reasearch. It turns out Apollo was the leader of the muses andandand...

Random People: No don't say it!!!!

ReaderxApollo fic as my ode to Xanadu making the reader a muse that has been watching over artistic Minuki for quite sometime.

Random Person: Rachel, why'd ya say it?

Haha, stole that from Freakazoid! :D

Summer's slowly unwinding and I will have to go back to school soon and face all the mindless drama this year. I'll do my best to avoid it. Speaking of drama, Drama Club is doing Little Shop of Horrors as this semester's show and I'm audtioning for Audrey II... in fact, I think I'm the only person audtioning for that role. -_- * Well, it gives me a better chance at getting it right? Plus, only 20 people are bing casted for the whole thing.

Ok, so my friend Nikki and went to a dark field with out moms on Sunday to look for meteors. Well, stupid me wore flip-flops and never but on bug-spray so I have like 20 bug bites on me feet and and ankles and they itch like hell. But I did manage to catch a glimpse of one or two meteors. ^-^

bug bites, little shop of horrors, xanadu, school

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