Some people seriously have Issues they need to leave me and my family out of..

Nov 20, 2004 19:46

Ok.. so there's this girl.. has been trying for months to get my wife to leave me.. and spent the better part of this evening INSISTING on talking about Les. Seemed to think that just by talking about him, well hey, that meant he's still in our lives. Oooo.. so if I talk about my dead relatives, I can expect them to show up for dinner, and bitch at them when they don't eat as much as I fixed? Right. Well I started getting just a bit pissed. She tries to get Nance to leave me, insists on keeping old wounds nice and bloody, and ignores me because I treat Nancy badly. WTF? So I IMed her.

ValoreBlack [6:47 PM]: you do not know what you are talking about regarding us and Les, and you are hurting us and beginning to get me mad besides. if you want to help, convince him he can talk to us without the lies. otherwise back the fuck off

Understand.. I sent this to her.. Nancy was just talking.

Now this is where the drama really starts.. (and WHY can't I get rid of the shit? I don't like drama!)

(sent to Nancy from the manipulative bitch)
Do not reply to this.
Do not contact me.
I cannot bear it and I will not.
Any letters or e-mails will not be answered.
Though I have suffered much, I have never been treated like so much dirt.
I will not say I hope you always languish in your self-imposed misery,
for I care too much that you be happy with your life. But if I am to
go unheeded and even hated for my innocent insight, I cannot say much
Take care of yourself and the people you care about.
You gave me many pleasant memories.

ok.. so Nancy can't reply? Well she didn't say anything about me, and by now, I was ready to kick someone's ass.. So I sent this to her..

Subject: you are being a drama queen-quit trying to hurt Nance cuz yer pissed at me
aside from which, it isn't working. there is no way you will "win" by making her choose between me and Les and you. she doesn't know you well enough, and frankly, she isn't a mind reader. you want to dump her friendship? fine. you aren't the first person who has done that - she's learned to shrug it off. so all you are doing is showing how immature you can be. grow up. you want to hate me? fine, i don't particularly care. but behaving like an infant and blaming Nancy for my actions.. honey, she doesn't hold my leash, i hold hers.

NAncy smacked me for that.. still.. This is what I got back..

I apologize for underestimating your immaturity. It seems you are both
narrow of sight and too self-indulgent to change.
I have no intention of being a drama queen, nor making any person
'choose.' I have chosen.
I do not want to dump her friendship, but I will not make things worse
by existing.
I already knew you treated people poorly, but I did not think Nancy
would allow it to such a degree.
I did my best not to hate you for how you are to her, but I failed.
I do hate you. You -are- Les.
Now please go terrorize someone else.

The Hell? I've talked to her exactly FIVE TIMES since she started trying to get into my wife's pants.. 3 of those I was perfectly pleasant, once to ask why she was ignoring me, and this time to tell her to drop the subject of Les. And SHE called ME on the damn phone! How, exactly, does that constitute terrorizing? My final answer to the little bitch..

you didn't make things "worse" by existing. you were obsessing on Les. as much as we love him, sitting and discussing him hurts us. if you cannot understand that, then you have never truly loved someone who has left you. and do not say he hasn't, because he has shut us out of his life entirely. we cannot see his journal, he won't talk to us, nor will he answer our mail. but you do not care that it hurts us to discuss these things.. to be reminded of it.the wound is still too fresh for us.. picking at the scab will only make it bleed again, and make it take longer to heal.just trying to get you to understand this much has me crying over him.. again, not that you care. you seem to enjoy hurting us. i don't treat people poorly. I don't treat you with kid gloves because you ignore me and try to convince Nancy I'm some horrible monster. See, unlike some people, I have never lied to NAncy, and she knows that I will be here for her no matter what. Even when she leaves me, I'm always here for her when she comes back. And she always does, because I'm the only person who doesn't try to control her. I happen to like her the way she is. Nancy and i have a very good relationship. Unfortunately, i will never be Les. i have too many flaws to ever come close.

Your attempts at manipulation have been absolutely fascinating .. you are now free to go fascinate someone else.

EDIT: After her comment here, and my response, I feel I should add one last letter. This is the one I refer to in my comment below:

I have something of a melodramatic and insane request of you.
First let it be known that I have the most frightening feeling of
déjà-vu right now.
But....this is the matter: when I first came to you, there was a
reason. I need you.
You've seen the people I go to when I am without you. People like
Dana, like Marcus. People who have nothing in common save for the pain
they cause me.
I have hoped that somewhere...out of your own goodness and out of my
love for you, that you might be able to save me.
I don't know why I ask this now. Mainly because I cannot wait any longer.
I know I have hurt your feelings many times and pushed you away, but
now I ask of this.
If you think you can do this for me, I will be happy. But if this is
not possible, I would stop conversing on the Internet. There is
something too real about it while being fake at the same time. Though
I am happy for our paper conversation, though my end has been lagging
as I try to talk of dreams, but I shall continue soon.

Things are not well.
I wait on you.

But I'm the one who is bad for her? Can this bitch actually not get that this is manipulation and guilt-tripping my wife?

For serious.. get some therapy for this. I'm not the one trying to isolate Nancy and cut her off from the people who love her. That's you, Babycakes. Quit displacing your Issues onto me, I got enough of my own to deal with. Sheesh.
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