Autumn's 10 word challenge (cross-posted)

May 23, 2006 19:36

The desert at dawn. I hate the desert. It's like being lost at sea, but without water. We watched the moon fade to a slim crescent, and the sharp shapes that I thought might be bones, picked clean by the raven, were suddenly only thorns.
There must be water, somewhere.
I don't want to look at the desert.

I looked at the sky, during the night. The stars seemed to dance, before they vanished into the haze. Like distant spinning worlds, where everything is ice. Not heat. Cool and clear. Serenity incarnate. Heaven must be like that. And that is where they are. Not in this burning hell. They kiss, and dance. And kiss. And fade.

The heat is hitting us now.
I have put the blanket over the thorn bush, to shade you. And as the sun rises steadily in the sky, I can see that the thorns themselves are dead. Just like the bones I imagined them to be.

They promised us glory. But they never sent us back up.
I watch your eyes close for the last time, and try to think myself somewhere else.
Anywhere else.
My mind playing word games, so as not to watch the day unfold across the sky.
Little prayers, with no wind to carry them...

Send a party
to look for us.
Send your pity
Have pity.

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