
Dec 09, 2007 19:23

Seriously, am I the only one having Sesame Street flashbacks here?
"Brought to you by the number four, and the letter..." Well, any letter but
'H'. If I'm remembering it right, the old "brought by H" episode was a little creepy. (From a four-year-old's POV, OKAY?) I mean, at that age, you don't get that they're joking when the show starts acting like a letter has turned into some kinda subliminal message, that can't be turned off.

Okay. Four something-or-others. The number itself doesn't have vast personal significance to me, no. Now if it was 11-12-89, yeah. Maybe.

Four statements I wish I'd made:
(no. I won't explain who they're meant for. Don't fucking ask; I'm serious.)

I think I'm falling in love with you. For real.

I don't want to be let off the hook.

Go away.

I can't do this alone.

Four statements I wish didn't apply to me:

I can't hold a tune with duct tape, a set of handcuffs, and four armored guys
backing me up, let alone when someone spontaneously asks me to go caroling.

Yes, I do think I'm going to die a virgin.

I'm a much better liar than any of you suckers will ever know.

If one more person asks me 'or what' when I tell them to back off, I think I may decide to show them 'or what' no matter what shape they're in afterward.

Four things I'd like for Christmas:

A week where I have absolutely no dreams that I can remember.

A snowstorm.

A trip to the year before I was born.

A new laptop.

Four expectations for the future(I don't use the word 'plans.' I swear, Someone up there just WAITS for the X-types to say that before dropping
a truckload of insanity on us like Dorothy's house.)

1)Road trip to Atlanta.

2)Talk with a certain rabid antimutant preacher and his 'brethren', if no one else gets there first.

3)Weirdness of various kinds.

4)Register to vote.--Don't say it. Just don't.

Four observations of other mutants I know:

1)If you have telepathy/telekinesis, or are romantically involved with someone who does, or are named Summers or Grey, forget EVER getting any peace. Though it might be worth it--can't speak from personal experience.

2)X-Men don't have a passage into the afterlife, they have a revolving door.

3)Forget redheads. Russians and Canadians rule.

4)I'm too damn cute to die, which is why I'm now going to hide(and maybe ask
Agent Pierce about the witness relocation program.)

Muse: Kevin Ford
Fandom: Misc Comics
Word count: 416
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