
Dec 02, 2007 09:39

It was Friday night at the Xavier Institute, and December 12th.
The squads were celebrating the end of finals week before holiday vacation, with a late night of popcorn, soda, and TV-watching or videogames in the common room.
Santo, as he often did, was grumbling. "Why won't this stupid remote work?
I wanna watch South Park."

"You're gonna break it!" David said, annoyed. "Here, let me try." He took the TV remote from his classmate and punched in a set of numbers.

The TV didn't so much as flicker. On the screen, Charlie Brown's conversation with his little sister about the commercialization of Christmas went on unimpeded. Kevin watched, munching a candy bar.

"Keller, stop screwing around with the TV!" David and Santo both gave the telekinetic irritated looks. "This is lame, man--"

Keller glared back. "It's not me. Some of us actually have better things to pay attention to than TV channels," he replied smugly.

"Which is why you're down here with us, instead of out dancing?" Cessily asked in a sweet, utterly innocent tone of voice. Kevin silently applauded her. She shoots, she scores. Apparently she had, at least, figured out that she'd hold more of Julian's attention if she didn't suck up to him. He got enough of that already, and the girls never meant anything to him.

Kevin sat back, ignoring the others bickering. David and Santo were finally told to be quiet, after a great deal of ribbing about two supposedly powerful
and/or genius students who were being outclassed by a cartoon.

They gave in and watched the show, rather than continue looking like idiots.

The show had been Kevin's favorite of the holiday movies or cartoons he'd watched as a kid. That, and Rudolph, which was on next. He settled in for a relaxing couple of hours.

The batteries in his jeans pocket weren't visible, as his coat fell just below them. Too bad no one had thought to check the remote's battery compartment--or too good, rather.

Sometimes sneakiness was the best solution to stay on top of things.

Muse: Kevin Ford
Fandom: Misc comics
Word count: 345
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