talk about something you lost

Oct 21, 2007 11:12

For theatrical_muse

"Where the heck is my other sneaker?" Kevin looked under the bed in his dorm room. He was well aware that he looked ridiculous, in one bare foot and one wearing a Converse sneaker. Who loses one shoe? They ought to have been in the same place, logically.

"You're a guy. Logic is your Kryptonite."

"HEY!" He straightened up, giving Celeste an irritated stare. "Why were you here, again?"

"We're supposed to be distracting you from the field day competition."

"Why? I mean, c'mon. That's between the New Mutants and the Hellions."

"Julian asked us to. We had a deal."

"...this is one of those things where I should give up finding answers, isn't it?"

"Maybe. Oh, Kevin?"

"WHAT?" He'd found his sneaker, finally. He wasn't going to ask how it had
gotten on top of the bookcase by his computer.

"You do know she's not naturally blonde, right?"

Kevin stopped tying the laces, and glared after a looonnng moment's silence.

"No, I don't know. TMI, girl. Let her tell me, ok?"

"Oh, I don't mean Laurie..." with an air of mock contrition. "Do you rememher what you dreamed last night?"

"Celeste, everyone dreams bizarre stuff when they eat Mexican food at two in the morning. It's like reality's fifth law or something. That's not good reason to blame a guy later for what he was thinking! And no, I don't remember."

She giggled. In spite of himself, the laugh was contagious. "What, you want a bribe not to tell anyone?" he asked, rolling his eyes.

"One of those metal pieces you like to make would be nice, but no, not really.
The idea is to keep you talking 'til you're late."

Kevin jumped. "Oh crap--" hurrying to finish up. "Sorry, not if I can help it!"
He might've lost track of time, but not the ability to run down the stairs at top speed. They were going to kick everyone's butt, metaphorically speaking, and he was looking forward to it.

Muse: Kevin Ford
Fandom: Misc Comics
Word count: 333
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